Dinner With Mom

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Harper's pov:

How do you go up to your boyfriend of literally just a few hours and tell him that he has to come over for dinner? Am I supposed to say, 'Hey, dude so my mother wants you to come over dinner so she can interrogate you and make you uncomfortable because I cut my hair.'

Yeah he'll dump me faster than I can say the word heartbreak. Okay. I can do this, it's just food no big deal.

I open my locker and stuff my books in it, still thinking of ways to invite Jax to my house.

'Boo!' Someone yells from behind me and I let out a freakishly weird sound, like literally I have no name for what came out of my mouth.

'You just get cuter and cuter babe.' His deep voice says to me. My face goes red and I slowly turn around wondering why I was awarded this gift of making abnormal noises.

The godlike creature stares at me with such strong emotion in his gorgeous eyes I can't help but melt inside and smile at his smile.

'Hi.' I breathe suddenly out of breath. 

'You are beautiful.' He says trapping me between him and the wall, leaning close to me. Is he really going to kiss me in the empty school hallway? He bows his head and we are breathing the same air I lock my arms around his neck and he wraps his around my waist. Slowly we inch towards each other the sparks of electricity becoming so hard to ignore.

But for some reason fate doesn't want us to have some alone time together because Carina just had to walk out of whatever hole she crept into, at that exact moment. And to make it even more fantastic Franchesca appears right behind her both of them looking murderously at me.

I reluctantly remove my arms from Ajax's neck but he doesn't let go of me, instead he mutters a low sorry and looks at me with disappointment in his eyes. I smile at him telling him that it's okay.

'Jaxiee.' Franchesca screeches at him.

'Ciccino.' Carina purrs at him. Both of them ignore me like I'm some piece of shit. He gives them both an uncomfortable nod and tries to move away with me but Carina blocks us.

'We have a lot of catching up to do, don't you think?' Carina pouts at him and I almost gag. Can't she leave him alone?

'Come over to my house the three of us will have like so much fun.' Franchesca chirps clearly me, the girlfriend, is not invited.

'Can't hanging with Harper at her place.' He says bluntly. Their faces fall, but brighten up instantly.

'How about tomorrow then or even the day after ciccino.' She places her slimy hand on his shoulder. He flicks her hand off and takes in a deep breath. They better stop Jax is losing his cool.

'I'll be hanging with MY GIRLFRIEND tomorrow as well and for the rest of my life now out of our fucking way, my baby is hungry.' He says kissing my cheek. My heart does summersaults in my chest. They glare at us as we walk away, well me specifically.

On the bright side now I don't even have to make up a random excuse to get him to my house, just need to actually tell him that godzilla senior aka mom is waiting for him at home.

'Umm Jax I need to tell you something.' I say fiddling with my fingers once we park in my driveway.

'Whatsup?' He asks cautiously.

'You have to stay for dinner, my mother wants to meet you.' He stays quiet for a while so I open my eyes and see him trying to hold in a laugh. 

'You think this is funny asshat don't you.' I glare at him.

'Little bit yeah.' He says chuckling. 

'Oh really. Come on in then.' I say getting out, slamming the door and marching to the front door. The nerve of that pretty boy.

He jogs up to me and laughs, 'Aww come on babe. If it makes you happy I'm excited to see your mom.' He winks at me and I roll my eyes.

'Well she ain't excited to meet you.' 

'Hurtful clumsy.'

'Deal with it asshat.'

'I'm dating a mean person.' I roll my eyes and open the door and nothing could have prepared me for what I saw next.


Everything in my house has been ruined. It's been trashed, broken stuff everywhere even the bathrooms and bedrooms. Whoever did this wanted to make it known that they were here. And they did. There is no sign of my mother. She's not here, she's not at work we even tried Ajax's mum, still nothing at all.

He took her. I know we have no evidence whatsoever but I know it's him. I haven't moved from my spot on the floor since the police got here, well atleast I think they are. Ajax hasn't moved away from me either. He has been answering all the questions they are throwing at us, because I can't speak I just want my mother back here.

We were so much better without him, why did he have to be let out of prison so early. It would have been better if my mother and I moved. 

No it wouldn't have.  I say sharply to myself.

I would not have met Ajax if we moved I wouldn't have gotten to know him, hell I still don't know him as much as I should. God where is my mother. I feel hungry but I refuse to eat what if  my mother isn't eating where she is.

'Harper babe we need to go. You have to move so they can clean and investigate or some shit.' He says slightly shaking me but I don't budge too numb to feel and too numb to talk. I feel so useless, I can't even find my own mother.

'Harp please okay, you're hurting me I can't stand seeing you like this.' He pleads with me and I give in hating myself for being so damn selfish, he is being affected by this to he could be home but he's here.

Slowly I let go of my legs that I was hugging close to my chest and stand up holding my hand out to him. He immediately engulfs me in a tight hug and I return his hug with as much force and we hold each other not letting go and I start to cry, he leads me outside and holds me as I empty my tears onto his shirt.

'He has my mother jax. My mother.' I wail and he rubs my back.

'We don't know it's him and if it is we'll find her babe don't worry. I'll make sure of it.' He mutters the last part but I heard him. 

Suddenly Ajax is ripped away from me and thrown to the ground. I shout a loud No and try to run to him but someone holds me back. 'Ajax.' I say, 'Run, please run!' I scream and a cloth gets stuffed in my mouth.

Ajax glares at the person behind me and charges at him but my father appears from the pits of the devil's anus, stops Jax and punches him in the gut, Ajax stumbles back but doesn't fall, He fights back and he almost beats my dad but two other guys emerge from the house and try to restrain him. Ajax puts up fight but there's only so much he can take against all three men.

I keep trying to scream through the cloth but it's useless no one can hear or see us. One of the big guys takes out a syringe and stabs my Jax harshly in the neck with it. I start to cry as I see him sink slowly to the ground. I start struggling even harder against the man's grip needing to be with Jax.

'I'm back for you princess.' He whispers before hitting me with something hard in the head. 


Okay explaining timee.... First of all I'm soo sorry for not updating for so long but I have a good reason, phones and laptops are not allowed at all at school, and since I go to a boarding school it was next to impossible to sneak in my gadgets. Plus I'm too much of a goodie goodie, I don't like to break rules (most of the time)

Secondly I'm still settling in since I got back like yesterday so my updates are going to be super irregular.

PLEASE keep on voting and commenting, I try to reply to as many as I can,not that they a lot lol. BUUT we can change that can't we UvU.

Lots of apologies and love

Peace!!! Dang I missed wattpad

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