Mind Your Own Business

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Harper's pov:

I'm a mess right now. Why? Because it feels like my ovaries are playing a fucking game of tug of war. I can barely walk, my head hurts, I'm very hot and I'm currently spread out in a very awkward position on this ridiculously comfortable bed.

God I hope they have forgotten that I'm currently occupying one of their guest rooms.

Then I hear a harsh knock at the door. I heard Ajax's mother leave and I assume Ajax left with her. Maybe it's their maid? I really hope it is.

'Wake up shortcakes we're going to be late for school.' Ajax shouts knocking even louder making the ache in my head worse. Shit, he's here.

I keep quiet hoping he'll go away and also because I have no energy to answer him.

'Shortcakes, are you in there?' Please go away.


'I'm coming in.' He tries the handle a few times and gives up when he realizes it's locked. Finally he's left me to die in peace. I hear his footsteps leave then come back again and he unlocks the door. Of course there's a spare key.

'Harper, you okay?' He asks trying to hold in his laugh when he sees the way I'm sprawled across the bed. I am so happy I got cold and decided to wear sweats and a shirt. Imagine the awkwardness if he were to come in and find me half naked.

'I'm fine asswipe go to school, I'll stay here.' I try to sound tough, but I don't have enough energy.

'Are you sure?' He almost sounds like he cares, 'I don't want my mum to freak out because I left you here all alone.'

'Very sure. Now Fudge off.' I say shooing him with my hand.

'You look like shit by the way.' You don't think I know that.

'Gee thanks.' I mutter sarcastically. He starts to walk towards the door but he abruptly stops.

'One more thing. Do not go into my room.' He says in a serious tone. 

'I wouldn't dream of it.' I grumble and let out a sigh of relief when I hear the door close, finally he's gone. I manage to haul my lazy bum of the bed and actually attempt to wash my body in their fancy looking bathroom.

At this point you'd think I'd be used to being greeted with beautiful expensive things in this house, but no each time I'm just shocked.


'What to eat, what to eat.' I say to myself. I'm currently located in my favourite place of the house. 

The kitchen! These people have so many snacks it's surreal. Lauren called, Ajax told her I wasn't feeling well and she told me to get well soon and also to eat as much as I want. She is the sweetest. 

This will shock you but I didn't go into Ajax's room, I was tempted but hunger prevailed!

I grab two packets of doritos some sour gummies and yoghurt. I like to dip the gummies in the yoghurt, it's a crazy combination of foods but it works for me.

I make my way to their Tv room and make myself comfy, I wish they had a Tv in that sunken living room. My plan is to spend my day eating and watching sad romance movies and see if I'll cry or not, I cry everytime but this time I will win.

No you won't! Stupid snarky inner voice. She's always so mean to me.

Katie wouldn't shut up about a movie called Midnight Sun last month so I decide to look for it and watch it. 

Rude subconscious- 1

Pretty little me-0. Told ya! Like I said, stupid snarky inner voice.

I did cry my eyeballs out, but in my defense the ending was just too sad.

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