You Won't Make It out Of Here Alive

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This chapter will involve some violence. And all that other stuff. Honestly if you get triggered easily don't read please... I care lovies

Happy reading!!

Harper's pov:

Fear. Fear for my mother, fear for myself but mostly fear for Ajax. The fear becoming too much to bear like a snake coiling itself around my neck, choking me and allowing no air to enter or escape. I don't know where I am I've been tied to this chair in this tiny little room for god knows how long. My head hurts and the rusty smell of dry blood is making me want to puke.

I remember everything clear as day. He took us. I don't care about myself I just want my mother and Ajax to be okay, I really hope they are okay. 

I don't like the silence, I wish I had some noise or sounds to show that I'm not alone. But it's dark and so fucking quiet, quiet enough for me to think. I don't want to think, to go back to that part of my mind I never want to explore again. Where I hid all the abuse, the sadness and the tears. I can't go back there, I was doing so fine he is going to pull me back into that miserable black hole and this time no one will be able to find me.

'Wakey wakey princess.' The small door opens revealing my father's frame. Tears stream down my face as he walks slowly towards me. 'Daddy's here.' He smiles evilly and I let out a sob struggling against my restraints even though it's absolutely useless.

'Struggling will get you nowhere sweetheart. But then again it's a fucking turn on.' He runs his slimy fingers along my cheek and I look at him with hatred in my eyes knowing exactly what he is here for. He wants to finish what he started years ago, he wants to rape me. And I can't stop him this time, no one can.

'My mother where is she, is she okay and Ajax?' I have to know they are okay.

'Your mother is on her way home, I didn't have much use for her.' Relief washes through me, she's safe, 'But I can't say the same for your boy toy.' He chuckles darkly and I curse at him, so help me god I will shove my boot so far up his ass he'll feel it in his throat if he touches Ajax.

'I'm going to untie you and then have my way with you until I'm satisfied. Since your mother failed to fulfill her duties as my wife, fortunately that role will be filled by you.' He licks his lips and unties me. He pins me against the wall puts his hand up my shirt, I start to cry and writhe trying to get out of his grip.

'Dad, please don't.' I cry, 'I'm your little girl. Please.' A pitiful attempt to get him to stop.

'Oh Harper, you definitely aren't a little girl.' He says in my ear, painfully kneading my breast. He starts kissing my neck. His guard starts slipping so I don't hesitate to knee him in the balls. He groans and falls to the floor and I run to the door but before I can open it he grabs my leg and pulls it, making me fall face first onto the floor.

I try to get up again but he is on top of me in seconds slapping me hard across the face. I continue to struggle but he slaps me again this time busting my lip in the process.

'You spoiled little witch.' He shouts standing up and kicking me in the gut. 'You think you are too good for me huh?' He says kicking me again and again. The pain becoming so unbearable, He kicks me again and again until he hears an audible crack sound, the sound of my bones breaking. I've never been in so much pain in my entire life, it hurts, everywhere is aching and throbbing with godawful pain.

'Now let's try this again shall we? I'm not going to go easy on you.' 

'Thomas! The little shit won't budge.' A male voice screams. 

'Maybe he needs some motivating.' The man says looking directly at me.

Ajax's pov:

I swear to fucking hell, I am going to murder my brother with nothing but but my bare hands. He just had to bring my Harper into this, he just had to work with her shithead of a father. And for what? The fucking Mafia! I've been tied to this chair taking punch after punch from him, he's too much of a pussy to actually fight me man to man.

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