Wet Dog And Sewer Gas

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Harper's pov:

Why oh why did my mother think it was a good idea to buy an alarm clock that sounds like spongebob laughing on repeat? I've been trying to find the ridiculously small off switch for ten minutes now.

'Urghh son of a sea horse.' I grumble giving up, now I actually have to get up and find the damn button.

Got it finally! I stretch and make very unappealing sounds that resemble a goat's mating call. I feel terrible so I know I most probably look horrifying right now. I make some more disturbing sounds and head to my bathroom.

Great, I'm on my period how wonderful! Note the sarcasm. Why can't I wake up looking and feeling like Selena Gomez is that too much to ask?

Probably is.

I wear my usual oversized t-shirt and leggings and pull on some flip flops. I tie my hair up and look at myself in the mirror, well at least I look semi decent. But on inside I feel like a demon, this is definitely not going to be the week for me.

'So tonight I'll be going out of town for a business meeting.' Yes! home alone, I can throw a huge party and invite hundreds of people.

Ha! Kidding I don't know that many people, I'll be spending my time shoving food down my throat and re-binge watching The Originals and TVD. The perfect day if you ask me.

'Harper, did you hear a word I said?'

'Yes loud and clear mom.' She gives me that "I don't believe you" look.

'Ahuh so you are okay with staying with Lauren whilst I'm gone.'

'Absolu- Wait, Lauren, what's a Lauren?' I ask dumbfounded.

'Lauren is my friend who you're going to be living with for the next three days. I thought you heard me loud and clear?' Apparently I did not.

'Why can't I stay at Katie's?'

'You've been there way to many times already, we need to give them a break.'

'So why can't I stay here?'

'You'll have no one to take care of you.'

'Aww come on mom, I'm pretty sure we both know I can take care of myself.'

'Yes but I can't risk you throwing a shindig whilst I'm gone.' I cringe at the word shindig.

'First of all no one says that anymore, and secondly you know I only have one friend, what's the real reason you don't want me here alone?'

'I don't want you finishing my food.' I give her and an unimpressed look, she never complains about my eating habits.

'Okay fine! There have been reports of some robberies in the neighborhood, and some of the victims are found beaten half to death.' She cringes at the last word.

'And I don't want to leave you here all alone with all of this going on, I can't imagine anything like that happening to you and I know that you will be safe staying with the Carters. Please don't fight me on this.' Her voice is laced with concern.

'I won't fight you on this mom, why didn't you just say that in the first place?' She gives me a short laugh.

'I guess I didn't want you knowing what's happening.'

'You can't prevent me from knowing what goes on in the world all the time mom.'

'I can at least try Harp. You are going to miss the bus' She says looking at the time on her phone. Deep conversations aren't her thing.

'Right, bye mom.' I give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.


'Woah that's so fucked up.'

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