Skimpy Swimsuits

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Heyy.. This chapter is dedicated to @SavageGrobz for being such an amazing supporter of my book, and all the votes and love she has given me. Just wanted to say thankyou to her. And you guys should also check out some of her works too!

Harper's pov:

I enter English class with puffy eyes and a red nose and take my seat next to Katie. Thank God lunch is next I don't think my tummy can survive any longer.

'Please don't tell me you were crying because of them.' Katie whispers to me.

'No I accidentally killed a spider and the mini funeral I held for it was very sad.' I whisper back. She's about to say more but our teacher walks in saving me from her interrogation.

The bell rings and I literally run out of there.

'Slow down Harp.' Katie laughs at me.

'I'm too hungry.' I grab her arm and we walk hand in hand to the cafeteria.

We enter and my eyes involuntarily scan the room for Ajax. When I spot him he's staring right at me so I quickly avert my gaze and pull Katie towards the lunch line.

'Lunch is on me babe.' Katie says and my face instantly lights up.

'I'm going to be broke aren't I?' She asks wearily.

'Yep. No take backs.'

I eat three burgers, drink two bottles of water and ingest a packet of Doritos that I found in my bag.

'Geez woman you can eat.' Katie says staring at me shocked. This is nothing compared to the amount of snacks I eat when I'm binge watching Chris Hemsworth's workout videos, definitely not creepy at all.

'Yeah I eat a lot whenever I feel any type of emotions.' I say and shrug. We both giggle and start talking about how freaking hot Chris Hemsworth is.

'I'm definitely way hotter than him.' Asher cuts in on our conversation and sits next to Katie.

'Pshh if anyone's hotter it's definitely me.' Aden scoffs sitting next to me.

'No way you skunks are hotter than me.' Devin says as he sits next to Asher. Thomas sits next to Katie and Ajax places his bum right next to me. The audacity.

'I'm sorry who said you assholes could sit with us.' Katie says glaring at Ajax.

'Aww come on don't be like that, Harper is okay with it, aren't ya Harp?' Asher asks me and I pause for a second am I okay with this? Nope Ajax makes me uncomfortable and hot.

'I can't chase you guys away. So do whatever you want we just won't speak to you.' Katie nods her head in agreement.

'You wont be able to stay silent for that long.' Ajax says beside me, I give him a look that says "watch me bitch".

'Jaxieeee.' Is that a cat screeching? Or maybe a donkey giving birth. Oh wait it's just the annoying voice of Franchesca, I hear Aden groan next to me. She struts over hear and practically throws herself onto Ajax's lap.

'We still on for your house, right babe?' She says digging her fingers into my- I mean Ajax's hair. Am I the only one who thinks her voice is so high pitched and annoying?

'Uh yeah.' Ajax says while trying to subtly pull her fingers out of his hair, it doesn't look like she's being gentle at all.

'Awesome see you then baby.'

'Yeah see you then.' He half smiles at her and she gives him a slimy kiss, stands up and slaps her non-existent ass. I throw up a little in my mouth and I'm not the only one because I hear all seven of us gag simultaneously.

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