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Not what she looks like just needed a picture that will show her hiding behind a hoodie for most of the chapter...

*coughs awkwardly* Yeah okay....




"Get up and get to school Harp, you're going to miss the bus." My mother yells at me from outside my bedroom door.

"You haven't come out of your room since last night. I know you are hungry." Dang it. I forgot that she knows me so well.

I am not hungry actually, I have a secret stash of snacks for emergencies like these.

"I'm sick mommy."

"Oh really." I can tell by her tone that she doesn't believe me at all.

I cover my head with my blankets when she opens my door, "I know you're not sick Harper, you can't skip classes because of whatever happened to you at work yesterday."

"But mommy I really am sick, and I think I have a fever." I say in my best sick voice, and I had a little cough just to be dramatic.

 I'm just going to hide in here until he forgets my entire existence again.

I squeal when my covers are suddenly ripped off of me and I am face to face with my mother's stern expression.

"Good morning." She says and salpas my forehead. I mentally roll my eyes.

"Can I at least get pancakes and a ride to school?"

"Sure my love, but first- well there's no easy way to say this but a video has gone viral on your school's website...." I stop listening and my heart drops to my toes.

No no no no this can't be happening. Someone took a video and posted it. I'm screwed! I'm going to have to move and get a new name and maybe a few tattoos, start a gang...

My mother cuts of my thoughts. "When will you ever let me finish a sentence before you have your overly dramatic panic attacks."

I look at my mother with a confused look on my face. "Huh but you-"

"Yes I know what I said, what's got you all jumpy and scared?" She takes her phone out of her apron pocket and shows me the video.

I zone out when I notice that I'm not included on that screen. Whatever was on it has nothing to do with me and my relief is so strong, I slump back into my plush pillows.

"I hope you were not a part of that Harper! Now get up." I have no idea how my mother manages to sound so stern yet so warm at the same time.

I need to avoid Ajax at all costs.

I get dressed quickly and rush downstairs where I stuff my face with pancakes and coffee. The ride to school with my mother helped me calm down a bit.

I'm being over dramatic. All I need to do is apologize and all will be well.

Even though he said that he will get me back for drenching him in sauce and cheese.

She looks at me expectantly once she has neared the school. Right, I have to go out there and exist in that building.

I hug my mother and give her a sad goodbye, "Geez you're acting like you're about to die, you'll be fine my love, now go." She says, shoving me out of her car.

shoving me towards my doom. Okay that was a little too dramatic, it won't be that bad, I mean he most probably doesn't remember what I look like. Right?

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