Number One Asshat

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Harper's pov:

I swear, one day this alarm clock will find itself in the deepest pits of hell, smashed to pieces if it doesn't shut up!

I harshly press the small off button and get out of my bed, groaning I rub my temples, trying to make this massive headache go away. It's not working at all.

I groan again and walk slowly towards my bathroom, like a dying sloth.

'Aaaarrrgghhh.' I scream once I see my reflection in the mirror. Lord have mercy, I look like a fucking zombie that hasn't eaten brains in years. I've got massive bags under my puffy eyes, my hair looks way worse than a birds nest, my lips are as dry as the freaking Sahara Desert, my mouth tastes awful and not to mention my stomach that's making it clearly known that it hasn't been fed in a very long time.

Basically I look and feel uglier than usual, I really feel sorry for whoever has to wake next to godzilla (me) every morning for the rest of our lives when I get married. What did I do last night for me to wake up feeling like absolute shit? Thinking makes my head hurt even more so it's no use trying.

But then, like a freaking tsunami memories of last night slam into me.

My date with Ajax, our drinking fight, which obviously he won. Twerking on a table with some random girl. Ice cream with Jax, I remember falling asleep on the couch whilst we were watching some cringy- ass movie. I'm assuming he's the one who brought me up here.

Wait a damn minute. I fell asleep in my dress, and woke up in some shorts and a t-shirt.

Do not tell me Ajax saw me naked!!

I quickly run to my phone and roughly unplug it from the charger. I'm am going to give this boy some words at seven am in the morning. I scroll through my contacts (who aren't a lot by the way) until I come across a number that has been saved as My Hawt AsFuck Date, I swear I'm gonna yell his freaking ear off. How dare he change what I saved him as, to that!

I dial his number and he picks up on the fourth ring after the second try, fueling my anger.

'Hello?' He says with a sexy sleepy voice. I can imagine his curly hair all disheveled and his eyes slightly closed from still being half asleep.

Not the point Harper!

'Did you undress me asshat?' I snap at him, my foot tapping impatiently on the ground.

'Really shortcakes, we're gonna do this at seven fucking am?' He groans and I hear some shuffling.

'Yes we fucking are, I need to know if you violated me or not.'

'Wow, I'm wearing off on you aren't I shortcakes.'

'You're testing me Cary.'

'If you want me to undress you all you have to do is ask babe.' My heart rate increases when he says that damn name.

'Eww, what. Shut the hell up that's not even the point, now answer my question Ajax Carter did you, or did you not take my clothes of last night?'

'......' Silence, he doesn't answer.

'Asshat, you there?' I question.

'You said I should shut up. I'm just listening to what you said, just incase you're hiding in my closet with your butcher knife.'

'You motherfu-'

'Whoa there, geez. I didn't take your clothes of idiot. But I did carry you up to your room, which looks like a fucking pigsty, honestly it's way worse than mine and that's saying shit.' My cheeks heat up with the image of the godlike creature carrying me into my room, where my bras and clothes lay scattered everywhere. Welp, at least I wasn't awake to feel the embarrassment. Who am I kidding? I'm embarrassed alright.

'Harp, are you even listening?'

'Huh wha- Umm yeah, yeah I definitely am.' Not at all, I was picturing you in my room.

'I know you aren't,' He chuckles, 'I left a note under your pillow. It seemed like the safest place to put it.'

'A note? For me?' I ask baffled, why would he write me a note?

'Yes a note for you dummy.'

'Oh.' Is all I can say, I'm so glad he can't see my tomato coloured face right now.

'As much as it is fun being woken up and insulted by you so early in the fucking morning shortcakes, I actually really need to go. I'll see you Monday.' And he cuts the call. I don't hesitate to lift my pillow and throw it across the room to see if there actually is a note.

He was telling the truth. There is a piece of paper that was ripped out of a book very carelessly neatly folded right there were my pikachu pillow was. I take it and open it very slowly, I don't know why I'm so nervous. Might be because the hottest guy in school left me a freaking note! After our date! I open it and it's written in his semi-neat handwriting. To be honest it's way better than my excuse of handwriting.

To: Shortcakes, From: Sexy Jax

You fell asleep whilst we were watching a movie, and I let you sleep until your snoring got unbearably and terrifyingly loud. Some scary shit I tell ya. So obviously being the gentleman that I am, I carried sleeping beauty up to her room, plus it was getting really hard to concentrate on the movie with a bear growling on my lap.

Debated on whether I should get you out of that dress or just leave you like that. But I value my life too much so I left you in that dress, though it looked really uncomfortable. The dress looks good on you though, black might be my new favourite color. Obviously I looked around your room a bit and took a couple of pictures.

Definitely not creepy at all.

I had a lot of fun on our date, watching you get white girl wasted after only six shots of tequila was fucking hilarious (Although never drink again without me near you).

Your number one asshat,


I couldn't stop the goofy grin from appearing on my face, though he basically attacked me the entire note, it was actually really sweet and funny. I read and reread it like a hundred times my grin getting goofier and goofier each time.

I don't understand the way I feel for Ajax. I get butterflies in my stomach whenever he's around, he's smile is enough to melt me and make my heart flutter, just being near him lifts my mood. Though he's so damn annoying and his cockiness makes me want to slap the shit out of him, I actually kind of enjoy our little arguments, I like making him laugh and I'm finding myself wishing he would ask me out on a second date.

Holy shit! I like, like Ajax Cary Carter. I sit on my bed holding his note to my chest, smiling at my realization.

I like him and I can only hope that he likes me back.

'I have a fucking job!' I scream at myself whilst scrambling of my bed and racing to my shower.


Hey readers!! Hope you liked this chapter..

Soo I'm going back to school like next week on Monday. Which means my uploads will be wayyyy less frequent, especially with the back to school drama that's about to go down this week. I might not be able to upload for weeks from Monday..

But not to worry, once I'm on holiday I'll definitely post more. And I'll try to upload whenever I can during this week. Love you all!!

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