What I Want Forever

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Harper's pov:

I wake up and hear muffled voices. I try to open my eyes but they feel so heavy. I wonder where I am. I remember past events and I start to panic.

'Shh shh, baby it's okay you are safe.' My mother tries to calm me down when she hears the frantic beeping of the machines next to me. I instantly find the strength to hug my mother and cry into her chest. Different emotions flow through me as I hold my mother, relief, anger, pain and guilt.

'Mom I'm so sorry, this is all my fault I-'

'No Harper this is not your fault, don't blame yourself for what he did okay.'

'But if I had just-'

'No buts Harper, he's in hospital and he'll be in jail for a long ass time. He got what he deserves.' I nod slightly and continue making her very ugly shirt wet.

'Where is Ajax? is he okay?' I ask my mother once I've calmed down. I need to know if he's okay. Gosh the stupid little shit, how could he take a bullet for me?

'The boy is fine. He's awake actually he's been asking for you. Thank the lord you woke up I was getting tired of making excuses.' I roll my eyes.

'He's awake? But he was shot.'

'He's tough. And you have been out for a while babe.' She strokes my hair.

'Can I go see him?' I ask hopefully.

'Absolutely not, you need to rest missy.' This woman does not understand.

'I can't rest without seeing him. I refuse.' I say stubbornly.

'No need to go on strike mi cara I'm here.' The pretty asshat states from the door looking very awkward in his hospital gown.

'You look weird.' I giggle.

'You look like shit.'

'I will dump you.'

'Sorry babe.' 

'I'll leave you guys alone. Five minutes.' She says the last part looking at Ajax.

'Yes ma'am.' He salutes and she laughs shaking her head.

Ajax walks slowly over to me taking in my expression. He tells me to move over and I move making room for him in the small bed.

'You should be in your own bed, healing Jax.' I say snuggling closer to him.

'I'm good Harper. I'm worried about you, you were gone for too long.' He runs his hands through my hair.

'H-how long have I been asleep.' I ask shakily, his touch still having that strange affect on me even in my current situation.

'About a week.'

'Woah, a week?' I choke out, I didn't think he kicked me that hard.

'How have you healed in just one week?'

'It wasn't that serious harper.' I poke his side and he winces.

'Wasn't that serious my ass. You fool why would you do that.'

'I'd rather it be me feeling this pain than you Harper.' He looks into my eyes with an emotion I can only describe as love.

'I'm sorry.' He says and I look at him confused.

'For what?'

'My brother he-'

'Ajax no, it's not your fault, it's not my fault. They're the ones to blame for this. Don't beat yourself up for something you didn't even do.' He nods slightly and I smile at him.

'We need to talk to someone about what we went through Jax.'

'I'll think about it.' Before I can argue any further Katie and the boys burst through the door.

'Oh my god you guys did not have sex in a hospital.' Devin groans as he sees me in Ajax's arms.

'What the fuck. No you creep.' Ajax says to him as Katie gives us both a big hug which ends in Ajax groaning and Katie muttering a low sorry.

'Wait dude so you're still a virgin?' Thomas asks, more like states and all the boys start hooting with laughter and I let out a small giggle once I see Ajax's cheeks turn red.

'That doesn't concern you bitch.' Ajax grumbles.

'Hey hey, leave the little virgin Mary alone.' Katie says and it just leads to another round of laughter. 

'So it's true?' I playfully ask him and he grins.

'Yep, I don't see the need to stick my d-'

'We brought movies and popcorn.' Asher and Aden interrupt my boyfriend's sentence, grinning at each other then at us.

Ten minutes later we are all seated around Aden's laptop watching five feet apart with the boys busy chucking popcorn at each other for no reason at all and Thomas and Katie acting all cute and mushy.

And my Jax who is looking at me like I'm the only girl in the world. And for once I actually feel like it. I think I might love him.


Two weeks later

'Where are you taking me Jax?' I giggle as he leads me to god knows where blindfolded.

'Patience is key babe. We're almost there.' 

'I don't have that.' I grumble but with a smile on my face.

'Okay okay open.' I open my eyes to be met with the cutest little sight ever. It's so simple just a blanket with two pillows on it and a picnic basket in the middle, it's decorated with lights and candles and it could not be more perfect.

'Jax you did this?'

'Yeah. For you. Because I love you.' He wraps his arms around my waist and I wrap mine around his neck not believing that this handsome creature did this for me.

'And I love you.' He leans for a kiss and I don't waste time bringing my lips to his. We share deep passionate kiss that's so slow and sweet. He pulls me closer to him and my hands tug at his hair. He bites my lip asking for access and I willingly open my mouth, wanting to taste him.

This feeling is magical, our lips moving swiftly against each other, his hands raking my body making me feel that spark and that familiar heat. We pull away from each other wanting to catch our breath. He leaves me wanting more but now is not the time.

'You hungry?' He grunts, his voice thick with lust sending shivers down my spine.

'I could eat.' I shrug. He lets go of me and sits me down on a pillow I look around taking in the beautiful view of the trees and stars around us. I return my gaze to him and he's staring right at me with a gorgeous smile on his face.

This is definitely what I want, forever.


Heyooo. we have reached the end hehe.

Love you all.... Also I am writing another book like I've said, so follow me for info orr add this book to your libraries... I'm excited tee-hee.

I suck at goodbyes. So imma cut it short... Lot's of love from the weird girl who ingests food.


Thank you all for the votes and comments I never really expected my book to get anything more than 1k reads. But here I am at 30k I am so grateful for this.. I am so so so happyyyyy rn... and also I have already started on my second book, I'm going to post the description here and you guys can tell me what you think about it.

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