Part 27

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It was mid-August, and it was boring having to stay home. Tafnes stayed with me, although she'd be gone for most of the days. Kieran had gone to France with his girlfriend Darcia. I kept getting letters from all my friends. It was fun to see the pictures they sent. They looked very happy in them. I had gotten birthday cards and presents from them as well. I was very happy when I saw they all remembered my birthday, including my brother who I least expected it from. My mother and father insisted on throwing me a party a few weeks prior, but I told them no because I hated parties. At least they stopped working for this month, which was good. It was nice to have them around. I contemplated telling them about Adrian, but I didn't because they would get mad at me for not telling them in the first place. According to Yill, Idina and Adrian would see each other often. This made me furious, and on that same day that I had gotten the letter Terence asked me on a date via letter, and I ended up saying yes. If Adrian moved on, how come I haven't? Maybe Terence would make me forget him.


I started getting to leave. I decided not to wear too much makeup or get too glammed up as he told me not to. I snuck out when my parents fell asleep. When I jumped out the window, I fell but, I quickly got up. Cold breezes were hitting my face, and the stars were shimmering as if glitter were spilled over the dark sky.

"There you are," Terence said with a grin. "Shall we leave?" He asked, holding out his, gesturing for me to take it.

"Yes, where are we going?" I asked, looking up at him. I noticed how excited he looked. I also noticed his blonde hair had gotten longer.

"It's for me to know and for you to find out," He replied smirking, he gave my hand a small squeeze and smiled down at me.

"Naturally," I added mockingly. I wasn't sure what to expect. Nonetheless, I was intrigued as to what he had planned.

"Right here," he pointed over to a small house. "My parents own this house, but they don't live here."

"Where do they live then?" I asked as we walked over to the cream-colored house.

"In Coleshill," He said, opening the door.

"Oh so not too far out from here," I quietly responded.

"Nope, not at all. Ladies first," He snickered as he stepped aside for me to walk in first.

I rolled my eyes, and I walked inside. The house was a lot bigger than what it had looked like. "It's beautiful."

The place was covered in extraordinary decorations. There were moving glass sculptures and what surprised me most was when I followed Terence to the kitchen and found food neatly laid over it. I turned to look at him, "Go ahead and sit down wherever you please," He spoke out as he pulled out a chair for me. "Thank you." I looked over at him, and he grabbed a black blindfold. I was confused and asked him "What's the blindfold for?"

"Don't worry about it. It's just for the game," He calmly stated, making his way behind me. I sat up straight, trying to hide my nervousness.

"What game?" I was even more curious to know what he had planned now.

"I've already told you this but, you tend to ask a lot of questions," He said as he wrapped the blindfold across my eyes. I was feeling extremely anxious. I didn't know what his game was going to be and why there was a lot of food. I wasn't complaining about the food though-

"Okay, is it too tight?" He asked as he moved his hand down, almost stroking my hair. This made me almost tremble.

I shook my head and heard his footsteps walking across from me. I heard him grab a chair, and then he placed it in front of me.

What the hell was he doing-

I heard him scoot in closer, and I also heard him grab one of the plates of food.

"Open your mouth," He commanded.

I was about to talk back, but I decided not to. I opened my mouth and felt a sweet taste filled my mouth, "Pudding?"I asked, laughing at how nervous I felt.

"Correct," I could feel him looking at me, and I felt like he could see how flushed my face was.

"Here try this," I again opened my mouth and took a bite, "A blueberry tart?"

"Yes, oh wait, try this," When I took a bite, I raised an eyebrow. A grape. A green grape. How the fuck did he know I only ate green grapes.

I laughed, not knowing what to say, and he started laughing as well.

"Seriously a grape?" I taunted.

"Yes a grape, at least it was a green grape and not a purple one," He said in a sarcastic tone.

"By the way, how in Merlin's name did you know I only ate green grapes... I've never told anyone that,"

"Well, it was pretty obvious from the amount you'd eat during meals," He chuckled as, setting the grapes down.

I shook my head in annoyance before he told me "One last thing,"

"Alright then, hopefully, it isn't something like a worm," I said jokingly.

"It'll be better than a worm," He boasted. He wasn't moving or saying anything for a few long seconds. I started fidgeting around in anticipation, and before I could open my mouth to ask him what was taking him so long, but then I felt his lips brush up against mine teasingly. His hands moved to my legs, making me straighten up my back. He slowly began kissing me. At first, I wasn't sure what was happening, but I gave in and began responding to his kisses. I felt like I was shaking, so I moved my hands to his face to stabilize myself. His hands moved up even further to my thighs. I involuntarily whimpered when his hand slid under my skirt. In response, one of his hands tugged on my hair, and I moved my hands to his chest.

We separated our lips, and he whispered into my neck, "Happy birthday by the way."

"How the hell do you know all of this?" I jokingly asked. To be honest, I was shocked at how new this.

"Simple, I asked Estella," He said as he took off the blindfold.

"Should've known," I laughed to myself.

"I got you this," He walked over to the counter and picked up a little black box.

"Marriage already?" I asked, laughing.

"You wish," He said, smiling over at me.

I got up from the chair and was about to walk over to him when he said, "Keep your self seated,"

I shot him a playful glare as I took a seat.

He walked behind me and opened the box revealing a pair of diamond and ruby earrings. Once again, I felt impressed at how he knew I even had my ears pierced in the first place.

"Terence-" Not even letting me finish my sentence, he began putting me on the earrings.

"Thank you," I smiled at him and grabbed his hand.

"Red looks good on you," He complimented, making me flustered.

"Anto, I understand if it's too soon, but would you like to be my girlfriend?"

I was taken aback by this question. I kept quiet for a few seconds before saying "Yes," along with pecking his cheek.

So this part and the next one are going to be VERY SHORT and sped tf up, so I'm sorry about that. I'm just trying to speed it up so it can get more InTeReStIng, and buckle up for part 30 because it's going to be SOMETHING- 😳 part 29 is gonna be interesting to write but, after writing part 30 I'm going to have to go chop my fingers off :) Also, sorry if my writing is bad, I'm legit typing these parts when I should be sleeping LMAO. I had to cut down this story by 75 freaking parts JFKJFHK, now, it's only 50, so hopefully, that's not short or too long! (Also I'm sorry for the cringe I have no idea what I'm doing like its embarrassing IFHUOKSKKJ)  

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