Part 2

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The next morning I got ready as always and realized I had extra time and decided to organized my art supplies when I realized I was missing a few of my colored pencils. They probably fell in the cracks between the couch. I'll go and get them. I thought. I was dreadfully walking over to the couch where I had sat yesterday when I saw Adrian and Marcus were sitting there. I looked at Adrian. He looked back...I put my head down and walked off since I didn't want to ask them to get off.

I was eating breakfast with my friends. I couldn't really pay attention to what they were saying. I spaced out, I was thinking of Adrian, the times we made eye contact, perhaps to him it was nothing, it wouldn't be surprising, then I felt a tap on my shoulders I quickly turned my head, I was shocked when I saw Adrian. "I think you left these." He was holding out my colored pencils. I grabbed them out of his hand, "thank you" I was trying to avoid looking into his eyes. But the urge was stronger. I had already been looking into those green-blue eyes. He was looking right back at me before I realized I was smiling at him. I quickly changed my expression, but he also smiled back, which only made me feel even more nervous. It was very awkward, but then he said, "See you!" I didn't say anything back. I was too caught up in being embarrassed.

"Ooo, Anto looks like you fancy him. Look how much your blushing," Yill said with a little chuckle. I was kind of annoyed with this comment, then Christi, Tamasha, and Estella had looked at me too, at this point I was overwhelmed "No I don't" I got up and left, I knew they had known I was lying, I've always been a bad liar.

I went to the bathroom. I tried to avoid the mirrors. Since I didn't like seeing myself. I got distracted on my way to class and accidentally was late to Muggle studies. When I made it, there weren't many places to sit. I was standing there nervously for some time trying to figure out where to sit when I got told, "Miss. Megophi go sit down next to Adrian Pucey," I hesitantly went and sat down. 

On the other side of him was another girl. She had brown wavy hair with blonde highlights, hazel eyes, and light brown skin. She had shot me a stink eye when I sat down. I tried my best to ignore what she had done. 

Later in class, she got called to answer a question. "Elleney, what's the answer to...". For most of the class, I avoided eye contact with either of them and had my hand covering half of my face. I heard them talking. She flirted with him more than a few times. I was trying not to get jealous. 

How come I felt like this. I don't even like him? But deep down, I knew I felt attracted to him. I was thankful when the class was finally over. I grabbed my bag and got up as quickly as possible. Suddenly I tripped over my robes and fell. I felt humiliated, not just by the chuckles but also because Adrian was probably laughing at me too. Along with Elleney. I felt my face heating up. I wanted to cry, but I held it in. I proceeded to get up and grab my bag as fast as I could.

"Antoinette, are you okay?" Adrian had asked me worryingly

"yea, yup," I responded, embarrassed.

"you sure?"

"Yes," all I wanted to do was run away.

He didn't say anything back, but I could still feel him staring at me. I couldn't hold it any longer. I looked back up at him. This was the first time I had noticed how much taller he was than me. Likely a foot something taller, but I'm really short, so the height difference made sense. The next thing I knew, my eyes had moved up and down. I realized I had just checked him out. He probably noticed because he chuckled when I did this.

"Sorry," my head was down when I said this.

"no need to be"

I just smiled at him without making eye contact " Well, bye." I said quietly.

I walked off, feeling happy. But mostly embarrassed

Hours had passed since the morning it was time for dinner, but I didn't feel like being around people, talking, eating, or being seen by people.

Days have been passing by, almost 2 months and I barely talked to Adrian just "Hellos'' and "Goodbyes'' I seemed to always lock eyes with him, sometimes we'd smile at each other or... maybe it was me smiling and looking like a weirdo imagining Adrian was smiling back. Either way, I noticed that out of the blue, I started always looking for him, staring at him, thinking of him, and daydreaming of him.

I had soon developed a huge crush. I felt quite upset at myself. I knew this would probably end up with me getting hurt. He'll probably start going out with another girl. I tried to stop thinking of him, but I just couldn't. Even in classes, I would draw hearts on my assignments. I couldn't keep my eyes or mind off of him. I felt happy when we would kind of flirt, but what would I know about flirting. I would sometimes talk to my self and makeup scenarios of Adrian and I talking. I felt like a clown doing this, but I would do it either way. This was probably the best I would get. 

I lay down on my bed, thinking of what had happened in Muggle Studies almost 2 months ago. I was putting on my nightgown and decided to go to the couch to do homework. I was on my way. I thought there wasn't anybody, since before I went inside, I tried to hear if any people were talking. To my surprise, Adrian was there, probably doing his homework. He looked up from his parchment to me, my mind was telling me to walk away, but my legs didn't want to move.

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