Part 9

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I felt warm and grateful, but what if he had plans. I did not want to ruin them for him.

"Um, I don't want to ruin your plans. I'll be fine."

"I insist on staying here with you." Adrian poked my neck in between each word, which made me laugh.

"Oh, alright.." I said with a smile.

It was Saturday, the day Slytherin and Gryffindor had a quidditch match. I woke up and got ready. I started making my way to the field. I was one of the first few people there. It was cold and windy as expected. I sat down and waited for the game to start. Eventually, it started getting filled with people. I was very anxious to see the match. I was hoping Slytherin won, not that I disliked the Gryffindor team, but I mean, who doesn't want their own house to win?

Anyways the quidditch teams finally came out flying. I looked around for Adrian. I couldn't see him until they finally stopped flying around, and then I finally spotted him. He was on the left side of Marcus Flint. I noticed that Marcus, Miles, and Adrian looked at each other when professor Hooch mentioned she wanted a nice, fair game. She had looked more specifically at the Slytherin team.

To be completely honest. I was not shocked. Then the game started! Gryffindor kept on getting points, which did make me upset, but I tried to be optimistic. Lee was very obviously making it clear that he gave no fucks about the Slytherin team. I was rather annoyed at that but, I tried to ignore the comments.

Adrian had almost been hit with a bludger, which scared me a bit, he had the quaffle, but he did punch Angelina in the stomach, which made me flinch a little.

He almost got the quaffle through the hoops, but Oliver blocked it. Thankfully, not that I have anything against Oliver, but Marcus did hit him with a bludger, which was foul... but I slightly smiled at that. Then I saw Marcus and Adrian fly around the Weasleys. When Marcus jumped over one of them, I thought he must've gotten a good view.

Then they finally scored. Then I saw them flying on either side of Angelina. They were making a foul. "Flying with the intention to collide" or something like that, poor Angelina. She hit the ground.

Adrian had scored, and I jumped up and down, full of excitement. After some time, Terrence and Harry were trying to catch the snitch, Harry was on the ground, and after a bit, he spit out the snitch, which made me shake my head a bit.

Slytherin had just lost... I was frustrated, to say the least, but happy for the Gryffindor team. Once the game was over, Marcus kept complaining about how Harry had almost swallowed the snitch and how he did not actually catch it. I mildly did agree with him, and so did Adrian, but he didn't say anything about it to Marcus. Adrian was very upset about the game. I gave him some time to get better.

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