Part 8

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Little Note: Y'all, I just remembered I was writing a story...lmao, anyways I was rereading it, and I cringed so much, I'm thinking of starting a new story (with Adrian ofc) but, I'm not sure lol, anyways here is a part I forgot I had written from September:)

When we made it back to Hogwarts, Adrian told me, "Babe do you mind if I leave? I have to go to a quidditch practice."

I noticed he called me babe, it sounded weird, but that's because I've never actually had a boyfriend.

"No, I don't mind. I'll see you later then!" I said with a smile on my face. He kissed my hand and left. I was upset that he had to leave but, It's not like I could be with him all the time.

I turned around and saw that all my friends were laughing and talking to each other. I was contemplating if I should walk over to them, I stood there thinking, and I ended up walking over to them.

Everybody looked at me and said, "Hi!" Along with "where the bloody hell have you been?!" And "Haven't talked to you in a bit." I felt bad, but I quickly said, "Oh, um, I was just busy and stuff, you know."

Yill chuckled and said, "Oh sure, then why did I see you earlier with Adrian?"

I was feeling hot, remembering our kiss... "Oh umm-I was just-uhh, ughh okay, well he asked me to go to Hogsmeade with him, and I said yes, and during the trip, he asked me to be his girlfriend" I wasn't going to tell them about our kiss, I wanted that private.

"Ooo," all of them cooed at me, which made me laugh.

"What about Elleney?" Yill asked

"Oh, I don't know. She hasn't been talking to him," I said, thinking of what had happened.

"I'm so happy for you, Anto!" Estella said while hugging me

"Thank you, how did it go with Damien?"

"Awesome! He was kind, funny, a gentleman..." Estella stopped and was looking down at the floor, smiling, "Oh, oh! He's right there. You guys mind if I go over to him?"

We all responded, "Good luck!" And "Not at all!"

We were all looking at her as she was running over to him. Damien was totally the guy Estella had dreamed about. He had dark eyes, short dark curly hair, and was a very nice guy. I couldn't wait till the day he'd ask her to be his girlfriend!

Christi asked me, "So how's school been going?"

"Pretty okay," I responded gloomily since I hated thinking about school.

Then Tamasha said, "Oh, look there are, Billy and Madison!" And with that, she walked over to them. I simply shook my head and laughed

"Blimey, I forgot to finish my Homework! Christi, can you help me please" Yill looked quite annoyed and frustrated

"Sure, let's go to the library. You coming too, Anto?" Christi asked me

"Umm, no that's fine you guys go on," I half smiled, even If I would've gone they'd be only talking to each other, so It didn't matter, then I realized I forgot to read my parents letter, I quickly walked to the girls' dormitory, and I opened the letter.



Your father and I will be going to your aunt's Elisa's house for Christmas. You, Kieran, and Tafnes will be staying at Hogwarts this winter since we both know that none of you like your aunt, but if you do change your minds, send me a letter.


Your mother and father

I finished reading it and was thinking, should go with them or stay here, but I still had some time to make up my mind. I put the letter away and decided to change my hair...again, this time I used a hair changing charm, my hair went from dirty blonde to dark brown, I felt quite happy about this change. I decided I had already tampered enough with my hair, so I stopped before I decided that I wanted longer hair.

I lay down on my bed. I had nothing to do. I had finished all my homework. Then I started to remember Adrian's kiss with me, even thinking about it made me feel butterflies, I was eating some candy, the night had already come, I decided to go and change into the nightgown that got sent to me by mother a while ago back in October, it was pretty, and it was pretty well-covered which I liked, I felt like going next to the fire in the common room to write about today, so I got up and started making my way there.

I saw Adrian coming back from his quidditch practice, we were looking at each other, when we were close enough he pulled me closer her to him, I was shocked but in a good way. I was a little embarrassed because there were people around, I was looking up at him, but then someone shoved into us...Elleny. She quickly walked away while giving me a sourball glare. I was quite annoyed. I tried my best to ignore it.

Adrian yelled out, "Oy! WATCH IT !"

I giggled into his chest when he yelled this out, and he put his arms around me. This made me feel warm inside. We started walking over to a table, as always he pulled out a chair for me. We sat down next to each other, and then we started talking. Every once in awhile, he'd run his fingers through my hair, which made me smile. People were giving us looks, for the most part, thankfully, most people didn't care.

"Ugh, I'm going to have to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas break since they are going to visit my aunt Elisa" I put my head down on the table halfway through me telling him this.

"Can't you go with them?" Adrian was rubbing my back. I just loved feeling his hand on my back.

"Well, I could, but I don't want to because I really dislike my aunt, she's horrible, everything she says is rubbish" I still kept my head down. I was thinking of all the mean things she has said to me. I felt Adrian rest his head on my back. Tingles swarmed all over my body.

"You know I could ask my parents to stay here with you..." 

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