Part 5

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"Anto, I'm sorry you had to hear that." he quietly said

"It's all my fault. I'm so sorry. Blimey! If she disliked me before, she definitely hates now."

"No, Anto, it's not your fault. If she does anything to you, she'll have to respond to me," Adrian said with his hands still on my shoulders.

His words comforted me, especially the last part, but I was still sad.

"I better start doing my homework," I let out a sigh. I felt a couple of tears coming down from my eyes.

"Do you mind if I do my homework with you" as Adrian said this, he whipped my tears off my face, which made me blush

"I don't mind." I quietly said

We walked off to find a different place to do our homework since I didn't want to do my homework there anymore. When we were looking for a place, a door suddenly opened, we walked inside. I was sure this was the room of requirement. He pulled out a chair for me. I said, "Thank you,"

I was looking around the room. There were books, quills, parchment, and other supplies. There were also beds? I was wondering why there would be beds.

"Don't even mention it." he smiled at me and pulled a chair next to me. I smiled back at him.

I pulled out my homework and other things from my bag.

" I forgot to bring my homework." Adrian nervously laughed while scratching his head

I laughed and said, "Do you want to go get or...well, I don't know" I laughed.

"Hmmm, I think I'll just go and get a book to read" as he got up to get a book.

"Okay," I said as I smiled.

"Oi Anto look a radio station," Adrian said

I walked over to him.

"Oh-oh!!" I was excited. I started to look around for a round silver thing with a hole in the middle of it. I think something called a DC or a CD.

"What the bloody hell is that?" Adrian sounded confused

"It plays music. I'm trying to look for a CD, DC or whatever the muggles call it" I found a case with some of the round things I read them off to Adrian,

"Ooo look, Adrian chose one. We belong together. I want to be your man, the way you make me feel, more than a woman, or one of these other ones," I showed them to him. He looked confused. Obviously, neither of us had heard this songs-since we don't listen to muggle music, or I assumed he didn't.

"How bout "The way you make me feel" "

"Alrighty." I placed the round thing inside of the radio station looking thing. Suddenly the music started playing. I was enjoying the music. It looked like Adrian was enjoying the song too. I decided to go back and sit down, but before I could, Adrian got a hold of my hand and turned me around.

"What?" I said laughing

"Let's dance," he said with a smile on his face.

"I don't know how to" I did want to dance, but I would probably look ridiculous. I mean, I've danced by myself all the time to songs by Weird Sisters.

"I don't know either, but come on."

"Oh, okay." I hesitantly said

Adrian proceeded to lift me, twirl me around, and we did another dance. We probably looked funny doing all of this. I would laugh at times. Shortly the song was over.

"Wait, let me go put on another song!" I felt excited

"Don't take too long!" Adrian jokingly said

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