Part 1

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I was woken up by the sound of my mother yelling at me "Antoinette, WAKE UP!!"

I sat up and looked outside my window. I was very anxious and squirmy. I was excited to go back to Hogwarts and start my 3rd year, but I didn't want to go back at the same time. I was afraid of the people there and what they'd think of me.

I was sitting there, thinking about having to go back, when I heard my sister Tafnes yelling at me. "Antoinette, come down and eat breakfast!"

I got up and got ready. I put on loads of makeup, brushed my teeth, and did my hair, trying my hardest to look okay. But still not feeling confident. I started going downstairs and sat down for breakfast. I had to listen to my parents telling us "... good kids...get good marks..." but these words just went in through one of my ears and left the other. Once I was done eating my porridge, I went outside with my belongings and sat down on the porch.

My eyes stared into the bright blue sky. It was quiet except for the birds chirping, frogs croaking, and crickets chirping. Suddenly the sounds were overpowered by my family's loud conversation. My brother Kieran gestured his head for me to get up. I got up and started walking, my head filled with thoughts and worries about my new year at Hogwarts. When we got to platform 9 ¾, I was clearly very nervous. On the other hand, my sister Tafnes and brother Kieran were exceptionally cheerfully, my siblings and I waved our goodbyes to our parents. 

Tafnes and Kieran went and sat down with their friends, and I quickly walked over to my friends, making sure my head was down so no one could see me. "Anto!" Yill and Estella yelled out my name, which was quite embarrassing. Thankfully neither Christi nor Tamasha had done the same as them. Estela and Yill had just hugged me, which wasn't very pleasant. I awkwardly hugged them back. I never really was fond of having to hug people or at least people who I did not really need to hug.

All of us then proceeded to sit down. We began talking; sometime later, I decided to go to the bathroom to change into my robes. "Don't take too long." Estella had said to me. I merely chuckled as I was walking. I accidentally bumped into someone. I was too anxious to look at who it was, "Oh, I'm sorry." I said rather rapidly before the person could say anything back. I had quickly sped off to change into my robes. While putting on my robes. I was trying to think of who it could've been. I was sure it was a boy, what if he thought I was rude, but then I realized I was overthinking the situation like always, either way, it wasn't important. I tried to shrug it off. Once I finished changing. I quickly walked back to my friends, trying to avoid being seen by the person who'd I had bumped into. Once I sat down with my friends, they luckily distracted my mind.

Sometime later the train had stopped, we arrived at Hogwarts, we started walking to the castle happily talking. "I wonder what classes are going to be like?!" Christi mentioned this. She was very excited and somewhat upset, "I really don't look forward to having to do homework," Yill said with an angry, sad tone. Then Tamasha just drifted off with her other friends. She always does this. We are all used to it, then Estella just excitedly said, "Hopefully, I get a boyfriend this year!" Yill responded, "I know, right?! I want one too!" They both laughed, but Christi looked appalled and weirded out by this. I didn't really blame her. She isn't really the type of girl who'd care about boys. She never mentioned fancying any boys, except this one time, although she didn't even say the name of the boy. I've myself fancied a few boys in the past. I never talked to them since I was too shy and scared. All I ever did was stare at them and fantasize about what it would be like to be in a relationship.

"Talk to you guys later...bye" Estella and Christi had sat down at their tables, Estella at the Hufflepuff table, Christi at the Ravenclaw table, and I sat down next to Kieran and Tafnes at the Slytherin table. I was watching the first years being sorted into their houses. Halfway through, I felt like I was being started at. I started to feel nervous. I decided to look slightly to my left. I noticed it was a boy. I stared at him for what seemed an alarming amount of time, but then I realized we were staring at each other too long, and I quickly looked away. I felt my cheeks hot. I felt like I was blushing.

The whole time I was trying to avoid being in his line of view, my hand was covering half of my face. I felt at times that he was still staring, but I dared not to look at him again. After the ceremony finished. I decided on going to the Slytherin dungeon to draw. I got on the couch next to the fireplace and laid out all my materials. As I was shading in the face of the portrait, my mind started thinking about the boy who I had stared at the ceremony. I was trying to remember the name of the boy. I was almost positive his name was Adrian Pucey. I remembered seeing him play for the Slytherin quidditch team as a chaser. I've actually never talked to him...Several minutes passed when I heard some people come in. I tried not to feel intimidated. I quickly recognized one of the voices. It was Marcus Flint and the rest of the quidditch team, along with some other Slytherins. Including my brother. 

I started putting away my supplies back inside my bag. "Hey, Anto, you don't have to leave," Kieran said, looking at me. "No, it's fine. I'm tired anyway," I said as I got up. I waved Kieran goodbye, then my gaze fell upon Adrian, we made eye contact, but I broke it immediately. I had left for bed since I had to wake up early the next morning.

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