Part 31

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The next day, I actually woke up early, and I had time to eat breakfast, so I headed for the Great Hall. When I got there, people kept looking at me and whispering things.

What the hell?

Then it hit me, but how would they know? Did Adrian tell them? No, it couldn't be that.

Terence started walking towards me, holding up something. It was only until I got closer enough to see that it was a picture of me sitting on Adrian's lap.

"How could you?" Terence's voice was extremely shaky, and his eyes looked extremely watery.

"No, Terence, I can-" I screwed it up.
"Keep it to yourself," He wiped his eyes and shook his head" I should've known. I'm so stupid,¨ He murmured to himself as he looked down at the floor.

"Terence, wait, lis-" I tried putting my hand on his face, but he shoved it off, dropped the picture in front of me, and walked off.

I was standing there speechless, and embarrassed. I deserved it. I did what Adrian did to me. Well, Adrian, wasn't sure he actually did cheat on me, but I saw it. That didn't matter right now. I wanted to go after Terence, but I knew he wouldn't want to talk to me or be in my presence. I was going to look for him later. I realized I was still standing in front of everyone and they were still looking at me until I heard,

"What are you guys looking at?!" Adrian shouted, and everyone, well almost everyone turned their attention away from me. I turned around and quietly demanded Adrian to come outside.

"Was that you, who took the bloody picture?" I was furious and was on the verge of crying.

"What? No!? It wasn't me? What are you talking about?" Adrian looked confused, but I wasn't sure if he was telling the truth or not.

"There was a picture of me, and you from last night! No one was there other than you and me!" I almost wanted to yell because of how infuriated and humiliated I was.

"Why in Merlin's name would I do that?" Adrian scoffed at the accusation, and I crossed my arms trying to calm down.

"Look at me, Antoinette," He lifted my chin, looked at me, and said "I swear, I did not, take that picture."

"Okay, I believe you," I whispered, but if he didn't, who did? After a few seconds of thinking, it hit me. "That dim-witt! Of course, it had to be Tamasha!"

"Are you sure?" Adrian asked.

" Positive! Unless you've got another idea?"

"Let's hope you're right, what are you going to do?" He asked curiously.

"I'm not sure, actually, but Iĺl think of something,"

"Hey, I know this might be bad timing, but will you be able to forgive me?" He asked, looking down at me. He seemed like he was almost begging.

"Yes, it doesn't matter anymore, that was in the past, and you told me you'd prove that you didn't actually cheat. However, that doesn't make sense," I had no idea how he was gonna even prove it, but I was going to give him the benefit of the doubt.

" I know, I myself don't understand but iĺl figure out what happened that night. Oh also, I intended to give you this much later, but I figured, why not give it to you now, but don't open it now. Open it before you go to bed, alright?"

"Um, okay," I giggled, and I felt a little better, but it didn't take away from the guilt I was feeling.

"It's almost time for class to start, I have divination today, so I'll see you,"

"Goodbye, then, have a nice day!" Adrian grabbed me before I could leave, and pulled me in for a hug.

" You smell nice, but we can't hug right now," I accidentally told him he smelt nice, how pathetic! After he let go of me, we waved goodbye, and I left for class.

Tamasha was in that class. I saw that Yill was also in that class and quickly sat next to her.

"Oh hey, Anto, what was that all about earlier?' Of course, she had to ask that. Maybe I should have sat somewhere else.

'I, well, a picture of me, and Adrian got taken, Terence saw it, and I guess we are not together anymore, and he doesn't want to talk to me," I murmured as fast as I could, feeling ashamed of myself and horrible.

"Oh, crap, that sucks, I'm sorry," She whispered but then shifted her attention to Professor Trelawney as she began speaking extremely loudly. During class, I couldn't concentrate because of what just happened, and I couldn't stop glaring at Tamasha. Transfiguration wasn't any better. Terence was supposed to be in that class, but he didn't show up. I was extremely worried. Why do I have to screw up everything? I really didn't deserve him. Adrian was sitting behind me, and I could feel at times looking at him but I couldn't look back. At first, I didn't cry about Terence, but as the day went on I couldn't help it. Adrian tried to walk up to me after class but I couldn't talk to him right now and rushed to charms class. I sat down trying not to be seen by anybody.

"Im sorry Antoinette, about what happened, I"ll be here if you need to talk," I heard Joy say warmingly.

"Thank you for understanding," I lifted my head from my hands and weakly smiled at her.

"Here you go," She gave me a tissue and patted my back.

"Thanks, Joy," I took the tissue and wiped my eyes.

For the rest of class, Joy kept trying to cheer me up, it would work for a few seconds, but then I'd remember what I did.

For herbology class, I had it with Estella and Damien, like in the third year, which I was happy about.

"Everything will be okay, come on, cheer up!"Estella and Damien began tickling me." Ahh! Stop!..." After a minute, they finally stopped and thanked them. I appreciated them for always being there for me and never judging me.


I ended up not going to dinner, and instead, I went to the dungeons. I did try to talk to Terence in the common room but he ignored me. He didn't even acknowledge me, and he ended up leaving. I ran after him, but he was too fast. I gave up and went inside my dorm and slammed the door. I got ready for bed, my head was hurting, and I felt like ripping things apart, but I looked down at my school bag and remembered the letter Adrian told me to read. I walked over to it and opened up the envelope. Inside of it read:

February 14, 1993

Antoinette, I never told you how I truly feel.

Hiding my feelings is far from ideal.

You are my eternal sunshine.

I hope you'll forever be mine.

Antoinette, you are my missing piece.

For you, I would risk dying in a duel.

Words cannot express how you've captured my heart with success.

Our life has just begun.

Not having you around makes me feel numb.

I anxiously wait for our time ahead.

For now, I keep dreaming of you instead.

All of you is what I need.

Together we will succeed.

Until soon, when we meet again.

Your heart is where I am at.

Much love, Adrian.

I laughed, he was being a little too dramatic, but it was a sweet poem. Then I realized he had written it last school year. 

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