Part 23

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May had rolled in. I had gotten closer to Pansy, Acantha, and the twins. I still talked to Estella, Tamasha, Yill, and Christi. Kudo had gotten a lot bigger. He followed me almost everywhere I went. Or he'd follow Adrian. Acantha was a nice person to talk to. She'd give me advice when I seemed worried. Estella, along with Acantha and me, had planned the weekend together. I had decided to have a picnic with them in the afternoon. I was making my way outside of the castle. I had happened to stumble across Fred and George to which I simply glanced at and continued walking.

"You're not mad at us, are you?" They sequentially said.

"Maybe," I responded, slowing down my pace.

"Aw, come on!" Fred exclaimed.

"Okay, then. I was just messing around. There's no need to forgive nothing." I said turning around, smiling at them.

"Great then!" George said, smirking.

"Well, I'll be off now. See you guys later!"

"Bye!" They said, moving on in the opposite direction.

I had spotted Estella and Acantha and waved at them.

"Hi, Anto!" Estella said.

"Hello, Anto," Acantha said, smiling at me.

"Hi, you guys!" I said, sitting down, while they began taking out the food from the basket. We started eating and we talked about Acantha's life back in France.

"At Beauxbatons they had ice sculptures all around the Dining Chamber at Christmas. The ice sculptures didn't melt and were like statues of glittering diamonds. When we ate there was also Wood Nymphs that serenaded! I miss it there a lot but Hogwarts is just as amazing." Acantha said with a single tear dripping down her face.

After we finished eating we laid down on the grass and looked up at the sky. I had closed my eyes when I felt something hit my head. I decided to ignore it until it happened again only this time it hurt. I sat up casually when I felt something hit my head, once again. I looked down to see a few small rocks next to where I was sitting. I slightly turned my head. Adrian was standing far away gesturing for me to go with him.

"Think you'd better go with him Anto," Estella whispered.

"I'm not sure I should," I responded while looking over at Adrian.

Acantha sat up and said, "With who?"

"Adrian," I said while smiling over at him. He was still standing there, although he did look very impatient.

"Won't he get mad though?" Estella nudged at me.

"Even better if he does," I said, mockingly waving at Adrian.

Both of them looked over Adrian, and Acantha smiled at him. I took notice of this but I ignored it, thinking she was just polite.

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