Part 20

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I woke up the next morning a little late. It was fine with me. Adrian had quidditch practice early in the morning, so I knew I wouldn't see him till classes started. I was early for breakfast and saw that Tamasha and Christi were there, so I decided to walk over to them.

"Good morning!" Christi said."Hi," Tamasha said.

"Good morning. Hello." I said, sitting down. 

"Did you hear the rumors?" Yill had come over and asked, she sat down.

"What rumors?" Tamasha asked.

"Apparently there is going to be a transfer girl from Beaxbatons!"

 "Oh!? Really? Huh-this late into the school year." Christi added.

"Yeah, but either way it doesn't matter. She is supposedly in the same year as us." Yill said. 

"That's cool," I said, I was excited too but I was a bit drowsy. We had spent the rest of the breakfast talking, well at least until I moved to Slytherin table.

 I probably ended up falling asleep since Adrian was telling me 

"Anto? Anto. Anto, wake up sleepyhead." He said, lightly shaking my head.

"Shoot, wait what time is it?" I said lifting my head.

"Time for us to get to class." "Oh, okay, then let's start heading over there then."

 I got up, grabbed my bag, and started walking alongside Adrian to muggle studies. Once we got there, people were talking about the supposed new girl. Adrian and I didn't pay much attention to it. Adrian was playing with my hair until the professor had come in and begun the class. Adrian, and I along with Estella and Damien walked to Herbology. After the class was done we went to lunch and I sat next to Adrian. Terence was on the right side of me. Adrian had his hand on my thigh. Marcus had sat on the other side of Adrian and he began talking to him. 

"Hi, Megophi," Terence said.

"Hey, Higgs. How's your day been going?"

"Great, thank you. What about yours?"

"Pretty good actually."

"Did you hear about the rumors?"

"Yes," I chuckled, that was the topic of most conversations since we never got new students this late into the year. "Do you really think they are true?"

"I mean it is weird having a new student this late, but who knows?" 

"True-" The Slytherin table had focused their attention on Fred and George. They had pranked a professor and now there were pimples all over their face and their hair was sticking up. Everybody started laughing. I will admit I did laugh too but I felt bad for them too. We watched as the Weasley twins got detention by Professor McGonagall. Points were taken off from Gryffindor. It was a hilarious scene. But once they left to detention with Filch everything calmed down. I continued my conversation with Terence. That is until Adrian finished talking with Marcus and was done eating. 

"Anto, how bout we head out?" Adrian whispered so that only I could hear him. I was still talking to Terence and didn't want to be rude so I gave Adrian a look that told him to wait a bit. Thankfully Miles had sat down and begun talking to us. Adrian wasn't having any of it, he started tugging slightly on my robe. Now, this was something I didn't expect. I was waiting for the right time to leave. Adrian wouldn't stop talking I tried taking off his hand. That was a mistake. He had moved his hand up my leg that's when I cleared my throat. 

"Goodnight, Terence, and Miles." Adrian and I said.

"Goodnight, Antoinette, and Adrian!" I smiled at them as I got up, and Adrian nodded his head. 

As Adrian and I made it out of the great hall, he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I thought maybe he was mad but I didn't want to say anything. We walked to his dorm instead of mine this time. I was looking around not wanting to be caught. As we stepped into his dorm he closed the door and gently pushed me against a wall. Lifting my chin, he leaned in and whispered onto my neck "Wasn't a good idea to keep me waiting..." 

I had no idea what to think of this. I didn't care, I would let him do anything to me...

He took off my robe and cardigan. Adrian carefully pulled me by my tie, and lead me to his bed. He straddled me and looked into my eyes, they were twinkling from the candles he had in his dorm. I pulled him closer to me and kissed him passionately. I traced my fingers down his back. We separated our lips. Adrian pecked my chin and began kissing my neck. I tilted my neck in response. I guided his hands to my neck. He moved further down my neck. Almost  As if I knew what he was about to ask I nodded my head while moving my hands to his head.

 As Adrian unbuttoned my shirt, I was twirling his hair around my finger nervously. 

I was looking up at the ceiling when I felt his soft lips on my abdomen, he was lovingly kissing all over my stomach. My eyes were closed enjoying every second of it. Suddenly I trembled when I felt Adrian bite me soflty and then sucking on my skin. I tried moving a little to see if he would let me, 

"I'm not finished with you yet, stay still." He said intertwing his hands with mine.

I was going to listen to him, but another side of me wanted me to see what he would if I didn't. I opted to just listen to him, we had plenty of time.

When he finished I looked down to see hickeys all over my stomach.

"Damn, Adrian you-" he inttrupted as he moved up and said "Left my mark." 

I boy and I thought he was finished, well I was wrong. He began sucking on my collarbone. My hands were placed around his neck. Adrian had moved up to my neck, which got me worrying a little since people would be able to see that. His hands were running across my legs. He departed his lips from my neck and smirked. He rolled over to my left side and moved his arm underneath my neck, as he turned to his side and put his leg on top of me; and moved some folded blankets he had with his wand over to us. I felt tired and eventually fell asleep as he stroked my arm and hummed.

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