Part 22

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It was the next day and I started my morning eating breakfast with Adrian and talking to Estella.

Adrian and I were in muggle studies when the professor said "There will be a new student joining us. Her name is Acantha. She has transferred from Beauxbatons. I ask you guys to help her with getting around classes and with how we run things here. Thank you."

A tall girl with light-colored eyes and long golden, blonde curly hair, was standing in front of the class. She had a smile on her face and nodded at the professor.

"Mara, go ahead and sit next to Antoinette Megophi." Said the professor, as I stood up so she could see where I was at.

Adrian was asked by the professor to go look for some textbooks on the other side of the classroom.

"Hi, Antoinette." I looked over to Acantha, she had her hand out and I shook it.

"Hi, nice meeting you Acantha," I said, smiling at her.

Adrian had handed the professor the books and sat down.

The rest of the class was boring, except for occasional jokes made by Fred and George.

Herbology was a class I enjoyed, it was a free show. Lee Jordan and the Weasley twins never failed to make classes entertaining. They would always get detentions. Acantha wasn't in this class, she had ancient ruins. Today the Weasley twins had given Roger Davies a drink that made his hair change color. Professor Sprout was not too happy about the situation. We all had a good laugh at that. DADA was okay, Professor Quirrel was an okay professor, but something about him didn't sit right with me. I shrugged that thought off and continued with the day.

I was walking to dinner when I felt a tap on my shoulder, I looked over to find that Acantha was there.

"Oh Hi, Acantha!" I said smiling at her.

"Hi, Antoinette!"

"How has your day been going?" I asked. I looked over at her robes and had just realized what house she was in... Gryffindor.

"Well, um pretty good actually. I was actually wondering if you were walking to the great hall because I kinda forgot where it's located."

"Yup that's where I'm heading, you can walk with me if you want."

"Thank you so much," Acantha said with a smile.

As we walked to the great hall for supper, Acantha told me her parents moved to Scotland since they had gotten a new job. When we got inside she thanked me and walked over to the Gryffindor table.

I was going to have to sit without Adrian since he had quidditch practice, and he already supper, so I sat down next to a girl with short black hair. On the other side of her was a boy with platinum blonde hair who I assumed was Draco Malfoy. The girl looked at me sitting down next to her and I nervously smiled at her.

"Hey." She said

"Hi, I'm Antoinette Megophi."

"I'm Pansy Parkinson, nice to meet you." She said as I shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you too."

"So um, you're in 3rd year right?"

"Yes, and you're in first-I think?"

"Yes, I am."

"Well um, how has your day been?"

"Oh, it's been great. I heard there was a new 3rd-year student, is that true?"

"Yes, her name is Acantha, she transferred from Beauxbatons."

"Huh, that's interesting, this late into the school year, anyways what about you, how has your day been?"

"Lovely, for the most part. I mean sometimes school does get a bit boring."

"I get that-" Who I sure was Draco peeped over Pansy's shoulder.

"-Oh right, this is Draco Malfoy."

"Nice to meet you Draco," I said shaking his hand.

"Nice meeting you too, this is Crabbe and Goyle," Draco said looking at either side of them.

I nodded my head at both of them and mouthed a hello. They didn't seem like a friendly bunch, to be quite honest. As I talked to them for the rest of dinner, I was also introduced to other first-year students including Daphne Greengrass, Blaise Zabini, and Theodore Nott. It was actually fun talking to them although they would sometimes make fun of other people which rubbed me the wrong way. Anyhow, after I finished supper I excused myself and left. As I began walking I felt someone's presence behind me. I sped up my pace but then I felt a poke on my back.


"Huh?" I was surprised when I turned my head slightly around and saw Fred and George. I had only talked to them a few times before.

"Oh, hi!" I said this time fully turning around.

"We made this new drink, and we wanted someone to test it out," Fred said with George finishing the sentence.

"Uh, yeah, but um what exactly is the purpose of the drink?" I said worryingly.

"Oh, nothing, just experimental purposes you know," George said meanwhile Fred nodded his head. They did seem a little off. I didn't know what to do since I knew they were known for being pranksters, but I didn't want to be rude.

"Alright then," I said hesitantly, reaching over for the cup.

I started drinking the liquid, it had no taste whatsoever. I was waiting for something to happen.

"What did the-" I stopped as I realized what happened. My voice sounded extremely high pitched, and with that, they busted out laughing. I placed my hands on my hips looking at them. I mean I had it coming. They weren't going to fix it, or at least I thought so I stomped off. They were walking over to me once again, "Yes?" I said while they were laughing. "Here." They handed me another cup of some type of liquid. I didn't want to be messed up even more so I didn't take it this time.

"No, really trust us," George said, seeming more serious.

I took the other cup and stared down at it for a few seconds then looking back at them.

"What if it makes it worse? Huh?" I was a bit annoyed.

"Nothing." Said Fred laughing.

I took a sip of it out of curiosity.

"Okay," I said, and thankfully they hadn't lied. My voice had changed back.

"Well, now we'll be off!" The twins said jogging off while waving goodbye. I just stood there awkwardly waving.

After a few seconds, I slowly walked to the dungeon. On my way, I stopped to talk to a ghost. It was a little girl who was looking for someone to talk to. I had enjoyed our conversation which was about little random things. I had probably talked to her for a while since it was even darker outside than it was before I had talked to her. I was feeling a bit drowsy. Once I was inside the dungeon I was trying hard not to fall asleep right then and there. When I was finally in my dorm I went straight to the bathroom to get ready for bed. I changed into pajamas and left the bathroom. I walked over to my bed. I was about to lay down when I felt someone on my bed. I uncovered the sheets when I yelled.

"What the bloody hell Adrian!?" I whispered, yelled trying to wake him up.

"Huh? What?" He said with his eyes closed.

"Adrian!" I said louder than last time.

"Shh. I'm trying to sleep." Adrian said. I thought he was probably very tired from quidditch practice, he wasn't even opening his eyes.

"But-" I said. Adrian interrupted...

"Ugh Anto, be quiet and just come here." He said pushing me onto the bed. I rolled my eyes and said while laughing "Okay, whatever." 

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