Part 30 -Study Session-

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(I'm just going to let you know that every part that has something other than the 

"Part #" will not have any smut, 

but for example, if looks like this 

"Part # -Shower-", it will probably have smut)

The next day when I went inside the library, it was empty; this only fueled my nervousness. I went to take a seat and took out the materials, along with taking a jump start on the project. I wasn't sure how this would go. I didn't even know if I had gotten over the breakup. Something deep inside of me told me I still had feelings for him, but I shoved them off. Before I knew it, I saw Adrian coming my way, and in response, I tilted my head down.

"Hey Anto-nett-e," Adrian spoke out as he took a seat and began taking out his things.

"Hi, arse. I already got a head start, so you can skip the beginning part of it," I said, trying not to look over at him.

"Alright then, I'll start on the other section,"

He kept looking over at me from time to time, and I finally told him, "I do hope you're treating Idina adequately-" before I could finish my sentence, Adrian interrupted me, "Just so you know we are not together," He emphasized not.

"Oh," was the only thing I could say in response.

"Yes, she, isn't, that doesn't matter. I doubt Terence even satisfies you," Adrian stated flatly.

"How would you know? In case you've forgotten, you were the one that cheated on me, but that's in the past," I spat out, feeling frustrated.

"Sure he does," as he said this, I felt his leg brush against mine. I immediately sat up straight and brushed it off.

A few seconds later, Adrian asked, "Does this look good?" he got up from his seat and walked over to me.

I cleared my throat and asked, "What, again?"

"This," he said, pointing over at his roll of parchment. I could feel his breath hitting the top of my head. He was standing behind me. His hand was placed on the left side of me while the other one was holding the parchment. I tried to ignore what he was doing, but it was no use. His scent was surrounding me. I couldn't speak, and after a few long seconds, he leaned in even closer, this time I could feel his robes brush against my hair.

"What are you doing?" I abruptly asked.

"What do you mean? I'm not doing anything?" He replied coolly.

I was biting down on my cheek and sighed, "It looks fine to me." I couldn't focus. I felt dizzy and felt things I shouldn't have been feeling.

Snap out of it Anto.

"And what about this?" He asked once again as if he wasn't doing absolutely anything, which was getting on my nerves.

"It looks correct as well," I felt like I was going numb. Buzzing was going on all over my body. After him standing there not saying anything back, I looked up at him and harshly asked, "Do you need anything else?" it was a huge mistake. He didn't answer. He just kept looking at me, which caused me to gulp. I couldn't look away from him. Maybe it was me, but it seemed as if he was leaning in closer. And, out of nowhere, I felt his warm lips crashing onto mine. At first, I wasn't responding to him, but as he kept kissing back even more passionately, I slowly began kissing him back. He let out a sigh. His warm breath covered the inside of my mouth.

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