Part 16

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When I got there, Adrian was already there. He stood up.

"Hello, Anto!" he said with a smile on his face.

I smiled back. "Hi, Adrian." I started getting out the books, parchment, and quills as well. Adrian sat down on the bed, looking for his things.

"So, um, how do you want to split up the project?" I asked as I turned to face him.

"Anyway, you want." He said, leaning in to kiss my neck. I turned my neck instinctively as I placed my hands inside his hair. I quickly realized we were supposed to do homework.


"Hmm?" I didn't want him to stop, his lips on my skin, his scent, his kisses. But I knew we needed to start on the project otherwise-I would be stressing out over it.

I giggled as he moved his lips up to my ear. "We-we need to do our project."

"We can do a different project..." He muffled into my ear. Our lips met. He was more rough than usual, his hand on my neck while the other one was supporting him. My hands were simply around his neck. I felt his tongue enter my mouth. I tasted a familiar taste... he probably had eaten chocolate frogs. They tasted better in his mouth anyway. He slowly took his tongue out. I accidentally wined in a whisper tone.

"Too bad, we have to study." He was obviously teasing me. I didn't know if I liked that or not. Who am I kidding? I was into it.

He got up, and I followed.

"Way to tease me, huh?" I tauntingly said as I started working on the writing part of the project.

"But- you like that." He chuckled as he looked over to me.

"Anyways, we need to start on our work," I said in a jokingly manner.

We spent a couple of hours working on our project. We surprisingly got quite a lot of it done, almost half of it. I was happy about this. Adrian had to leave for quidditch practice.

"I'll see you later than Adrian!"

"Talk to you later, love." He pecked my cheek, waved goodbye as he left.

I was bored and decided to go and see if I could find any of my friends. I started walking out into the corridors and found Yill.

"Hey!" I called after her.

She turned around and started walking towards me. "Hi!"

We sat down next to each other.

"So, what's up with your neck?" She winked at me jokingly.

I was so confused, I grabbed my small pocket mirror and looked at my neck. It was red, but thankfully no hickeys.

"What do you mean? It's just red?" I laughed along with her.

"Oh sure... even though they are not hickeys, it's pretty obvious why your necks red." Yill giggled.

"Alrighty, you got me." I knew that the redness would go away soon, but how did I not notice how rough he was. I mean, I realized he was rougher today but...I didn't put much thought into it.

"But how has life been?" I tried to avoid talking about this too much.

"Oh, um, you know, okay. Just living life." She said.

"You sure?" Maybe it was just me, but she didn't seem too happy.

"It's just I like a boy, and I'm not sure if he likes me back. He may like another girl, but- I-I don't know."

"Well, do I know the guy?"

"Yes, he's Tyler."

"Ohhh, him, well um has he said anything that has led you on?"

"Well, he did say he thought my hair was beautiful."

"Aw, that's nice of him, well uh, do you talk to him often?"

"Just inside classes."

"Well, maybe you could try flirting with him to see if he does or responds in any way?" I really did not know what to tell her.

"The thing is I don't know how to." She looked a bit upset. I felt bad. I myself did not know how to flirt either.

"Maybe try making eye contact with him, smile at him, things like that, you know... maybe?" I was the last person to ask these things.

"Thank you! But do you really think he could like me back?"

"Yes! Why wouldn't he, and even if he doesn't, it's his loss!"

"I will definitely be flirting with him then. I'll update you!"

"I'm so excited for you!" I smiled at her.

"You know what? I'm going to go find him and talk to him!"

"Yes! Good luck!!!" I waved goodbye at her as she started walking away. After a bit, I got up and decided to go and shower. Afterwards, I left for my dorm and decided to sleep a few hours earlier because I was too tired to function.

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