Part 12

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Shortly, Christmas break had come around, and I had decided to stay here rather than go visits my horrible bloody aunt, Elisa. Thankfully Adrian, Tafnes, and Kieran decided to stay as well. I said my goodbyes to my friends.

"Goodbye, Estella, Christi, Tamasha, and Yill. Have lots of fun!"

"Byeeee, we'll miss you!" They all said at the same time.

"Make sure to send letters!"

"Of course we will," Estella said, and they nodded, and some of them said, "definitely!"

I waved goodbye and went back inside. Other students were staying here other than my siblings, Adrian and me.

For the first week of Christmas break, we had fun, we'd sometimes sneak into the kitchen and take food, or we'd sneak out of the castle. Or sometimes we'd explore different parts of the castle. Adrian and I would sometimes sleep in each other's dorms. It was becoming a habit. I would get letters from my friends and family, and I always wrote back. I spent some time catching up on homework.

I was thinking about what to give Adrian for Christmas, but still had a week left of Christmas break, so I didn't worry too much about it. I'd also spend some time talking to some professors. It was kind of calming. I changed my hair again. I made it longer down to my hips. It was quite a change compared to the beginning of the year. Adrian liked it, and so did my siblings, but for all, I know they could be lying. But one day, Adrian attempted to braid it but failed. We both laughed at this. My siblings would sometimes pull pranks on me, I was used to it, so it did not bother me. I couldn't wait till Christmas Day!

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