~I'm Evil~

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(Editing Eli: just learned Eret's real name is Alastair- uh- i've put eret so much in this i'm just keeping it as Eret 😌)
I will say, Eret uses all pronouns, but i usually use He/Him pronouns (for obvious reasons) but thereks occasionally they/them or she/her so 😀👍🏻
Summary: Why be anything other than what people see you as?

Pronouns: They/Them

Type: Fluffy angst (again 👁👁)

Warnings: Swearing, bullying, mentions of abuse here and there, yelling

Relationship: Roommates

"You need to bring your grades up!"
Your mother yells, causing a small sigh to escape your lips.
Her constantly yelling at you was why you were so excited to leave.
And then she wondered why you hated her. Abuse, that's why.
In school, people saw you as the bitchy, careless, rude-as-shit person, but really all you wanted was someone who knew how you felt. You didn't care who, just someone.
In college, you had a dorm with a fluffy-haired boy named Eret, who apparently was streaming on twitch occasionally. He couldn't too much cause of college, but he did have a set up in the dorm room you two shared.
When you first met him, your first impression that he was just a tall soft boy, which, yeah, sometimes, but getting to know him, he was really nice, and caring, and he'd go to hell and back to keep you, or any other friends of his safe.
You didn't care how you acted towards him at first. He didn't seem like friend material, at least for someone like you.
"Oh this is so cool!"
You heard the boy laughing in his room, talking to what you presumed was his twitch chat.
"Wait i could do a twirl-"
He says, more laughing coming past the door.
Finally, you gave in, confused as all hell, you knock on the door of his room.
"Hold on guys!"
He says, turning away from his monitor to meet you at the door.
"Oh hey Y/N!"
He smiles, and you just stare up at him, before looking at his feet. Heels. Of course. You look back up at him before he bends down to your level.
"Did you need something?"
He asks, and you shake your head.
"I just heard laughing and something about twirling, i was confused."
You say, and he nods.
"Oh! I'm just doing a fuck gender roles type of thing, y'know?"
He smiles, and you nod.
"Would you like to join me?"
He asks, and with a shrug of your shoulders you're being dragged into his room.
"Alright guys! This is Y/N, my roommate!"
You stare blankly at him, slightly frowning.
He lets go of you, and looks at his chat to see 's u i t , put them in a suit eret' 'yeah!! suit!'
and that started the chat to start chanting about how Eret should dress you up in a suit.
"Chat, i'll only dress Y/N up if they're okay with it!"
He says, looking at you. Again, you shrug. "I guess yeah then, guys!"
He says, smiling.
He drags you off once again, giving you a suit, which was very obviously not going to fit you right.
You change, (off camera and not in front of the b o i ofc) and walk back to his room. The sleeves on the suit hung loosely, hiding your hands.
"That's a little big on you huh?"
He says, walking to you. Sighing, you stare at the floor awkwardly as he rolls up the sleeves for you.
"Is something wrong?"
He asks, and you shake your head.
"I just feel bad for wandering in and interrupting your stream."
You mumble, and he nods slightly.
"Hey, it's fine, don't worry about it!!"
He assures you, smile ever so slightly to the side. He pokes your cheek and smiles back at you.
"I saw that! You should smile more, it suits you!"
He grabs your hand inching you towards his setup. "Ta-da!!"
He says, doing little jazz-hands beside your head.
The chat just says 'Pog' or 'poggers' in response.
There will be a part two to this-
lol idfk

Eret x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now