-Anything For You-

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not me getting a shit ton of anxiety every time i see the fact that my chapters get hundreds of reads and just thinking about the fact that over a hundred people judge what i write 😎
this is just basically a rant chapter as you do, y'know
Summary: i go despacito


Type:eeeeee idek

Warnings: t o x i c f r i e n d s h i p 😍

Relationship:Lovers ❤️
You'd been through this before, someone falls apart from you, and usually you'd get over it. But with Eret, you were absolutely fucked.
You'd had a crush on him for the past year and a half, and out of nowhere he decided to stop talking to you altogether. This completely blocked your path, you didn't know where to go. So, without thinking all too much, you went to Bad, who Eret had grown closer to.

"Yeah, i dunno, he just— left me for you. And i'm not saying he can't be friends with you, I can't control him! I just— don't know..."
Your voice slowly fades out into a small mumble, and Bad just hums on the other side of the call.
"I understand— i can try talking to him if you want!"
He assures you, but it goes in one ear and out the other, and you sigh.
"It's whatever Bad, just— i'm sorry, have a good night!"
You smile, and hang up the call.
Since the day you talked to Bad, you've had two conversations with Eret. Meaningless things, but they filled you with hope.
Hope that— at some point, you'd become friends again.
Finally, the time you needed came. 2 weeks without Bad.
He was on a vacation, so you could talk to Eret now.
irl minecraft vibes 😩
"Eret! I built you a thing—!"
You smile as you skip up to him, and he looks at you.
"Oh? What is it?"
He asks, and you just smile at him.
"You'll see— it's a surprise~!"
You grab his hand and drag him along with you to where you had built a giant castle, out of different materials. You'd spent weeks building this, so the fact that he didn't even know it was there surprised you.
(haha leg go brrrr— idk my legs fucking quaking tho)
"You— built this? On your own?"
He looks at you with a surprised face and you nod.
"I mean, i had a bit of help getting materials and such— but yeah! All by myself!"
You just continue to smile at him, and then he just wraps his arms around you.
"It's so cool— it's like— amazing—"
You smile and slightly tear up at him complimenting your two weeks of work. All for him.
"Yeah and i uhm— was thinking, what if we— lived there together..?"
You ask, and smile softly as he lets go of you.
"You're serious?"
You nod to his question, and he hugs you again, lifting you off the ground slightly.
"Of course-! I just need my stuff and then we can go move in and everything!"
You smile as he lets go.
"Do you want any help-?"
You ask and he just simply shrugs.
"It'd be nice, yeah! Sure!"
You follow him to help him start getting his stuff.
In the end, you both ended up living together in the blocky world. You shared a room, but your beds were separate which might've been for the best. Some nights you scoot your beds together but shhhh—
Despite everything you've done for him, you still feel as if he'll leave again. Just hold on tight, you'll be there soon.
ayup 😩
i can swear in spanish bros
chupa mi polla 🥳🥳
i feel really weird cause this doesn't seem like my usual style of writing— so yeehaw

———ayup 😩i can swear in spanish broschupa mi polla 🥳🥳anywaysi feel really weird cause this doesn't seem like my usual style of writing— so yeehaw

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funny number 😆
have a great day/night/whateva

also i'm probably entering that thing that Dream's hosting— with the you get to play with him if you buy the shirt and everything so wish me luck :)

Eret x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now