~It's alright, i'm here.~

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Summary:uhm 👁👁💧 i feel like shit due to uhm— at-home problems so i'm writing this

Pronouns: idk if i even used pronouns for anyone other than your father and Eret 😅

Type: mostly angst but throw in some fluff when Eret 🧍

Warnings: Abuse, Panic attacks

Relationship: ❤️L o v e r s❤️
'Every day...' 'You're such an ass! Just shut up already!' 'Quiet down!! You're just being annoying!!' 'Look at her, she's such a fatass—'
Words swarmed your head as you lay on your bed curled up in a ball, crying and hyperventilating.
Your father had hit you, yet again. Pulled out your hair, yet again. You were in pain, yet again. You were bleeding, yet again.
You started to panic more when your phone lit up and started vibrating. You were getting a call.
Hesitantly, you move your hand to grab your phone, and squint to read who it was. Your partner-in-crime, Eret.
You hesitate yet again, before accepting the call.
(Eret speaking: Italics You: normal)
"Hello princess!"
He speaks, and then silence.
And then he notices, you're breathing heavily.
"Is something wrong?"
He asks, and you hum. He sighs slightly.
"Family problems again?"
You hum again.
"Well, i only live like 30 minutes away from you. If you need me to come get you, just tell me."
Not wanting to say anything, you hum yet again. At this point all you want is to see him, and be in his arms. To be comforted.
"Alright, i'll come get you. Your dad still likes me, right?"
You take a deep breath.
"Yeah... he says that you're a good influence on me..."
You mumble out, being quiet so you didn't get yelled at again.
"Well i am a good person, so it makes sense."
"Ego much..."
"I'll be there in a bit."
about 35 minutes pass when you hear a knock on your door.
You thought you were hallucinating at first, but then remembered. Eret was gonna come get you.
"Hey! Y/N! Can I come in?"
He says, and you reply with a quick and quiet yes.
He opens the door with a smile on his face, slowly shuffling over to you. His face turns sad, and worried once he approaches you. He closed the door already, and sighs as he looks at you.
"Alright, we can talk about it when we get to my place. Do you want me to pack for you?"
You shake your head no, and slowly scoot to get up.
You grab your bag, and head to your dresser to pack.
"Aye! Y/N c'mere for a sec!"
You hear your father call from beyond the door, and you look at Eret, panic evident on your face.
Eret sighs, and holds up his finger and mouths the words 'hold on' to you. You nod and continue packing.
He smiles again, opening the door.
"Y/N's finishing up packing right now!"
He says, and your father frowns.
"Idiot, why wasn't she already packed?!"
He mumbles to himself, walking away. "What a disappointment..."
Eret frowns at your father as he watches him leave.
"Wow, you're not kidding."
"Imagine living with him."
You finished packing and waved your foul excuse of father bye.
Eret drives to his house, humming along to the music the whole way there. You almost fell asleep twice, you were tired as all hell.
Whence you arrived at Eret's house, you felt odd. It wasn't bad, it was good, actually. Eret's house always seemed like a sanctuary to you, a place where your father could never find you.
Eret took your hand and pulled you to his room. He took your bag and set it down.
"You remembered pajamas, right?"
He asks, looking at you.
"Oh- wha-? no, dad finds them too informal... which, alright whatever."
You mumble, fiddling with your fingers.
"Oh that's alright! You can just borrow some of my stuff!"
He smiles at you, grabbing some pajamas for himself and you.
"No, no, it's fine i can just—"
He stops you by shoving the garments into your hands.
You sigh, defeated. you head out of the room to the bathroom, and get changed there.

When you get finished changing, you go back into Eret's room. He didn't have a shirt on, which flustered you slightly, but it was fine, it wouldn't be the first time you've seen him without a shirt on. You hum a song to yourself quietly, shuffling to your bag and opening it as you shove your dirty clothing inside of it.
He had finished changing, and patted your head when you stood up straight.
Eret grabs your hand, and pulls you into the bed with him. He lays down with his back on the mattress, half of you on his chest and the other half of you next to him.
He snakes his arms around your waist, and you nuzzle slightly into his chest.
"this is nice..."
You mumble, and he nods.
"Anyways... do you wanna talk about earlier? Before i called you?"
Eret asks, and you reply with a small nod.
"I was just getting food when he said uhm— that i already ate too much today, so he got all mad cause he wants me to be... perfect. But then he started hitting me, and then he pulled out my hair, which started bleeding, because of course—!"
You were so focused on what you were saying you hadn't realized you were crying. Eret pats your back gently and just listens.
"Hey, it's alright. I'm here."
if you were triggered at all by this, i'm sorry, there will be fluff later :)
as always, have a great day/night/whateva

Eret x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now