-Y/N but just a bottom-

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so uh 😐👍🏻
since i've gotten like, SHITS TON of support i'm gonna do a q&a! feel free to ask questions about me, the one-shots, etc. etc.
also i think i'm gonna just describe what i look like but not do a face reveal cause— i don't wanna, but ye— that'll be at the bottom :D
Summary: eisjwjs


Type: f l o o f

Warnings: ah idfk


somewhat chaos chapter cause i need to update lol 😐
"H u g"
"Wha- I- fine... why though?"
Eret sighs as he wraps his arms around you, and you just smile softly.
"Cause hug."
"Fair enough-"
He smiles back at you as he lets go, and you frown at him.
"What? Do you still want me to hug you?"
You nod, and he laughs quietly before wrapping his arms back around you. In return, you just wrap your arms around him, with zero intent to let go.
"Y/N— come on, let go—"
"You're warm."
"I'm always warm, let go now."
You pout slightly, and just let go of him.
"You— Come on, go to bed, you'll live."
ye ye
really short and small but hopefully enjoyable!
feel free to ask questions!

and here's an attempt explaining what i look like lol
I'm 5'2
T h i c c
My hair's dyed white and black cause ranboo
i often wear a hoodie with kuroo and kenma on it or just a kuroo's jersey (haikyuu!! lol)
shorts or dark pants lol
sometimes i'll wear a hoodie around my waist 😐
that's about it, nothing too special—
but yeah!
wanted to make a few rules for questions
1. don't ask my age
i'm not comfortable sharing that info, i swear i'm not like 8 though-
2. don't ask anything nsfw about me
kinda self-explanatory— i'm a minor, so uh 😐🙏
3. please don't put requests
specifically on this chapter, this is for questions— also if you have a request please try to remember to put it on the first chapter which was just an extra info
that's all!
Have a great night/day/whateva

Eret x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now