-Panic Attack-

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Summary:I don't have inspiration i just had a panic attack during school today 🤩🤩
i'm okay now don't worry y'all
This is basically just what happened and what caused it but as a fanfic because that's my coping mechanism 😎👍🏻

Pronouns: They/Them

Type: Idrk, angst? Fluff? uh

Warnings: Panic attacks, intrusive thoughts (more specifically like, thoughts telling you you're not good enough and all that)

Relationship: ❤️L o v e r s❤️

You felt your hands shaking and shaking, but they couldn't stop. At this point, you had no clue of your surroundings. You couldn't hear anything, you couldn't feel anything, all you knew is that you were struggling to breathe.
But wait, back up.
Why were you having a panic attack now?
Well, rewind to lunch.
Due to covid, your homeroom class had to sit in the library for lunch.
(i'm just doing homerooms, idc if college has homerooms or not, i'm only middle school)
You sat with your two friends, Eret and Akira.
The table across from you had one person at it, and across from that table there was another three.
Lilly, Gwen, and a boy you weren't friends with, Chad.
(i'm sorry i had to-)
The thing was, he wouldn't stop talking about the fact that he watched (inappropriate website where people do bad things, COUGH pornhub COUGH yeah this kid watched porn 😐)
But, he went into extreme detail about what he had watched. Making noises, showing examples with his food, etc. etc.
It made Lilly and Gwen extremely uncomfortable, and then it spread through the whole library. Everyone was telling him to stop, which, he eventually did when Gwen said she was going to tell a professor.
You, Eret, Gwen, Lilly, and Akira ended up telling a professor about it.
(yeah legit even the boys were fucking disgusted, that says something. EVEN ME, WHO HAS A HIGH TOLERANCE LEVEL FOR THAT SHIT IS NOW TRAUMATIZED.)
That professor told a guidance counselor, who you and your friends had to talk about this to now as well.
But, you had told Gwen that talking about it even with the professor made you beyond uncomfortable. She said you didn't have to talk much and everyone else could handle it.
Now we're here.
Everyone had gotten up to leave and head back to class, and that's when it hit.
Your legs started to pull up to your chest, and tears just flowed past the barrier you had put up for ten minutes straight.
Your right arm held onto your head, slightly pulling at your h/c hair. The left one scratched at your leg.
The mixed sounds of your friends were muffled by your thoughts.
'They don't like you.'
'they're not staying for you.'
'They want to get back to class.'
"Guys back up— you'll make it worse."
'You're always holding people back.'
"Y/N can you hear me?"
'That's why nobody likes you.'
'You're just annoying.'
Eret's voice ran through your ears as you stared up at him.
"Hey, hey, hey, it's okay, just listen to my voice, i'm right here..."
He says softy and lets go of your shoulders slowly.
"Can i touch you?"
He asks, and you slowly and shakily nod your head yes.
He slowly engulfs you in his arms, careful not to scare you further.
His hand slowly rubs across your back, and he hums softly in your ear with head on your shoulder.
It was a simple random tune that repeated, and you soon caught onto it.
You begin to hum along with him, a soft smile slowly forming on your lips.
Eret lets go of you, moving his hands to cup your cheeks. He puts his forehead against yours, your noses touching slightly.
"I love you, don't forget that, kay?"
Wow i wish i was comforted like that 😅
would've been way better my guy
have a great day/night/whateva
-(Newly names) Mellohi💕

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