-Why Didn't you tell me?-

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so uh 😎
it's the top cover image or whatever the fuck you call it—
Summary: y/n gets bullied at school, lmao what's it like being a fucking protagonist



Warnings:bullying, like hitting and shit, swearing lmao

Relationship:friends? lol idek
Eret said he couldn't walk to you to school today.
He had something to do early, so you'd have to be alone.
You told him it'd be fine, but you knew that at some point he'd be there. 'he' is a random boy that decided 'Oh, let's beat 'em up' and that's why you were scared of him. He's why you flinched at yelling, or someone just reaching up to give you a high-five.
You were sorting through your bag when he approached you.
"Hey, whore!"
He yells to you and you flinch slightly.
"What do you want this time Jacob?"
You ask, and he smirks.
"Whatever the fuck. I'm just here."
He leans over your shorter form, and you just glare up at him.
He raises his hand, before it makes contact with your face.
He slaps you, and you hold your cheek.
"Just— fuck off Jacob..."
You mumble, and he frowns.
"I'd rather not."
He puts an hand on your head and digs his nails into your scalp.
"Ow— Quit that!"
(fun fact, someone's done this to me before 😐👍🏻 i'm fine now)
You squeak out at him, and he just starts scratching your head.
"Shit you're going to make me bleed just fuck off!"
You yell, before a taller form comes into your peripherals.
"They said fuck off, dickhead."
Jacob stand up straight and pulls his hand off your head and looks at Eret who's even taller than he is.
"What're you gonna do—... about it..."
Jacob starts out with his voice confident, but he looks up at Eret.
He starts backing off before he darts.
Eret sighs as he looks at you.
"Jesus! You're bleeding y/n!"
He exclaims, and you notice the blood pouring down the side of your face.
"Oh shit— uh— you can head to class i'll-"
"No, no, no, c'mon, i'll clean you up."
He says, and grabs your hand and starts dragging you to the school's dorms.
When you get to his room, he drags you to the bathroom.
He grabs a towel from under the sink, and runs it under water.
He holds it for a moment before squeezing out some of the extra water, and gently cleans off your face.
"So is this why you didn't want me to leave this morning? Cause of him?"
He asks, and you sit there not replying.
"Yes or no, y/n."
He says, an angry tone in his voice, more stern than anything.
You mutter softly, and Eret sighs.
"God, you're an idiot sometimes. Why didn't you tell me?"
He asks, and you just shrug, avoiding eye contact with him.
"Hey, look at me."
He taps your chin slightly, and you look at him.
"It's not something to be ashamed of. You don't need to feel bad about it, just make sure if it happens again tell someone, even if it isn't me. Alright? Promise me that mkay?"
He calmly speaks, continuing to clean off your head.
Before you even had realized, you started to cry. Tears pouring from your eyes, Eret just smiles softly at you.
"Don't worry, i won't make you go to class today. Tomorrow, maybe."
He makes you laugh slightly, and you wipe away the tears.
"I'll try to walk with you every day."
not a great way to end a chapter, but eh—
i have a lot of drafts lol
there'll probably be another update right after this one
also if i haven't gotten to your request yet please comment it again 😅
have a great day/night/whateva

Eret x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now