the official decision - a/n

448 19 8


this is goodbye

FOR NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MWHAHAHAHAHA

yeah idk
i'm going to leave the book unfinished for now so if i want to i can come back to it
but don't expect chapters
at all lmao
here's the dramatic goodbye
i started writing this book like a week or two into my mcyt phase just because i've always only liked x reader books, especially reading them. they make my heart happy n shit. there weren't many eret ones, there was one that i wanted to read but just never had then mental capacity to since it was like the 3rd book in a series this one person was doing. so i decided that i was going to make my own book. a book about eret and eret alone. just oneshots, small little stories that could make you feel many things at once. my account already has a few books on it, all anime related things. i do hate myself for writing the one where i romanticized abuse like wtf was that charlie- anyways. according to everyone else, i was super good at writing and i needed to write a book. i've been told shit like that since like 2nd grade, especially by my teachers (wow what a flex man). i remember sitting in my room all giddy after i'd published the first actual chapter and i'd woken up to a singular vote on it. as i wrote, those numbers just kept going up. that was the same as my tiktok. now, what's the problem with the numbers? i let them get to me. that was probably the start of my downfall. if i didn't like where a chapter was going i'd scrap the idea, and start a new one. then that one would go to shit, and i'd start a new one. this cycle kept going and now i have about 35 drafts. all of them are just going to sit unfinished unless i feel like doing something with them.
i am not complaining. although the numbers got to my head, i've brought together a truly accepting fanbase. ever since i put out my first vent chapter, the amount of overwhelming support has made me so happy. nobody has shamed me for things i thought i'd get shamed for, especially since this is the internet and people do that here. (cough twitter cough)
so. i just wanted to say, thank you. thank you for all the overwhelming support, the constant support even through my highs and lows. thank you so much for almost 200k reads when i'm writing this. i never thought i'd come this far, especially with low quality cringe brain lmao
thank you all so much for creating the community i wanted here.
and would you look at that! i only got cancelled twice!!!!

clearing those up:
that one time i called tone indicators cringe
i'd only seen them WAYYYY overused because when people started using them they were extremely overused, so at the time that's why i called them cringe but i am autistic and they do help me a lot too :)

that one time someone said i was told i was joking about bullying cause i said something like 'what's it like being a main character' as a silly funny in a chapter
i didn't mean for it to come off that way? my bad lol

so yeah
this is a very likely
forever goodbye
but i'm not sure yet
we will just have to see :)

have an AMAZING day/night/whateva
-PrinceMellohi <3333333333333333

if eret does ever read this book for some fuckin reason
love you /p
you are perfect and amazing and perfect and amazing


Eret x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now