a little update... - a/n

338 10 8

so i'm redoing boundaries


personal update:
my name is charlie!
as a cc, my name is mellohi, but as friends charlie is what i prefer :))
i use he/disc/ram/rot/ender/void pronouns!!
i identify as a transgender libramasc fellow
and for xenogenders, ramgender and endergender!
my sexuality is asexual and romantic attraction is homoromantic
i have a boyfriend [surprise]
i'm a minor in middle school still!!! pls do not say sexual things to me, or flirt in a non platonic way!!!



please don't vent in comments
especially in vent chapters
no need to apologize if you have, you don't have to take them down, but it just feels weird especially without warnings provided by you.
the warnings in my chapter do not apply to your comments. please be aware of what you are saying.

i'm updating my first page soon, imm not taking requests anymore, they clog up my brain and make me frustrated
if you want to request something please just dm me, i do not bite, if i like the idea i might write it /nm

don't beg me for constant updates

don't blame me for not putting a tw on specific things, i understand triggers are not a person's fault sometimes i forget


this is all i could think of right now
just remember this is all in a not mad context, nobody is targeted, and yeah
enjoy life
have a great day/night/whateva
-Charlie ❤️

p.s. i love nick nelson

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