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hey chat whoa mellohi posting an ACTUAL CHAPTER????
what the fuck
it's almost been a year since i "retired" this book bc it's almost my birthday again (august 7th, save the date chat)
also i'm once again only using he/him prns for eret because it's my book and i can 🗣

Summary: i'm back !!

Pronouns: They/Them

Type: comfort and a tad of angst

Warnings: i think maybe self harm(?), fighting, alcohol/drinking

Relationship: partners AND roommates 🎉
You moved in with your closest friend since childhood. You both grew up in the UK, he ended up moving to the US, and you stayed behind and finished school.
When you did officially finish school, you asked if you could move over there with him. He agreed, and soon your old British life would be left behind.
Now, growing up was pretty rocky. You leaned a lot on your soon-to-be roommate, Alastair, a lot. With your parents fighting over small things a lot, with the occasional bigger thing.
Once you were both in middle school, that was when you started to self harm.
It was an escape, a final release switch where you were finally let go.
It got bad for a while, and then got all better again. Then it got bad, then better. It was a vicious never-ending cycle that you couldn't seem to escape.
Alastair knew, but you didn't know he knew.
Well, you more had an idea he knew. You weren't oblivious and neither was he.
It wasn't ever a topic of discussion, so it just never mattered.
But anyhow, you did eventually get proper help and manage to stop.
You had a feeling that the main reason Alastair decided to let you move in with him was because of your mother.
She was one of the main reasons fights would break out in your house.
She'd go out drinking at 9 and come back at 2 in the morning drunk.
Your father and you never had a close relationship, but you didn't hate each other either.
Maybe Alastair was just being nice, though. Not just trying to get you away from that place.
So, time passes and you move in. Things go great. You get along well, you can discuss things together.
"What the hell is wrong with you?! You come back at 4 in the fucking morning and expect me to not be worried?!" Your father's voice boomed.
"A...Alex, chill..." Your mother answered, barely able to hold herself up.
"No! You can't keep doing this! It's gross! You smell awful! You need help!" Your father hollered back at her.
"Shut th...the fuck up Alex!! I... It's not a big deal..." Your mother swung the bottle at your father. She didn't drop it, but it did slip for a second.
"You need to get help! This isn't normal!" He answered, attempting to grab the bottle from her.
It was then your mother threw the bottle. CRASH.
You woke up.
Looking around your room, feeling your chest rise and lower quickly, it didn't seem to stop. You could hear your heart in your ears, you were beginning to freak out.
Should you run to Alastair? Was that the best option?
Your school teacher always said that if you needed help, to find someone.
Go find someone.
Before you escalated into getting worse, you quickly threw the blankets off of yourself and got up.
You located his room, and opened the door. He was still on his phone.
"Y/N? What's wrong?" He looked over at you, and noticed the tears begin to prick your eyes. "Turn on the light, come here."
Quickly, you flicked on the light switch and walked over to him.
He extended his arms to you, and soon you were sitting next to him crying into his shoulder as he held you.
"Breathe. I'm right here." He whispered to you, rubbing his hand across your back.
Your breathing calmed but you couldn't seem to stop crying.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks, and you shrug.
A few seconds of silence pass.
"I had a... a dream about my mom. And my dad. Fighting again. My mom threw a bottle at him." You frown, the tears steadily falling down your cheeks.
"You're not there anymore. You're right here. Safe with me. I promise you don't have to go back unless you want to. And if you do, I can be right there with you." He smiled, placing a gentle kiss on your head. "I love you."
"I love you too.." You mumbled, a smile beginning to creep onto your lips.
You managed to get a bit more sleep, sleeping right next to your partner as they held you close.
786 words ?!?
it's me!!!
just call me mellohi atp, it's kinda just easier than anything else lmao
yeah i'm actually uploading something, don't expect consistency but i might write more in the future !!!
trying to re-light my spark for writing if you catch my drift !
and what better way to re-light it than the book that made me love it :]
so here we are!!!
i'll update my profile in a bit lol :3

read below if you wanna get caught up !!!!

i've grown a lot since i posted last
went through a relationship, am back in therapy, dropped all my friends from my old school, moved schools, made new friends, lost a few of them, my teacher quit, i stopped going to therapy, went on vacation, my sister moved out, my brother is looking at colleges, i'm switching schools AGAIN, and i'm moving houses, and in a few days i'm going to a cosplay con with a few of my friends !!! and in all honesty, i'm only a day clean from self harm but that is a step in the right direction imo !!! i'm doing better believe it or not
life has been a very up and down rollercoaster for me this past year and you know honestly i'm just happy to be alive :]
that's all for now!!
hope you enjoyed the chapter lol :3

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