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summary ; my obligatory greeting

prnz ; they / them

type ; fluff

warnings ; mentions of sui , s/h , ed (in a good light)


it's been four years since you and eret started hanging out. for some, insanely odd reason, he stuck with you throughout your worst 'eras.'
when everything became a matter of if you were sick or just an asshole.
he was there.

it's been four, long, long years. attempts, ups; downs, delusions, self harm, you'd experienced all of it. and you did it with eret at your side.

you were a better person now. you'd grown, as all people do.
you still have your moments. as all people do.
you were never a bad person. you just needed help.

you needed to heal.


((read if you want, it's a lot))

hi ! sorry for this being super short. i just wanted to put this out into the world.
last time i updated, i said i was doing a bit better. that was true. and it's only gotten truer.
at the beginning of this book, the pandemic had just hit. i was a distraught and confused little kid, and i needed something to put emotion into since i gave up on my schooling. in all honesty, i rarely showered. i didn't take off my typical 2020 alt makeup shit, and i had really bad acne. i was depressed.
once back in schools, i was bullied and harassed. my life was hell, all i could do was throw it here. so i did.
i ended up switching schools after 7th grade to escape harassment. the next school i went to was only a k-8 school, but i needed somewhere to go until we figured out what to do, and my brother had gone there before.
i'm in highschool now. i wake myself up at 5:30 every morning. i shower. i brush my teeth. i wash my face. i attend school; where i get somewhat decent grades. i go home to my 5 cats, my brother. my mother. and my father. i have rekindled my relationship with my family, which i acknowledge is not something all people can say.
i am not suffering.
i made friends. i am happy. i have never, ever been happier. i've gotten back in contact with a few of the friends i did have from my old school.

i remember hearing all these people saying 'don't kill yourself, you have so much to live for. it gets better.'
saying 'it gets better' without proof or reasoning means nothing.
my point is; it does get better.
i know how irritating hearing that is. but it's true.
i would like to say a quick thank you to everyone who supported me throughout the time of me writing this book.
wether you're surrounded by the wrong people, or you need to change yourself; that's fine.
do what will make you happy. do what will make your life easiest.
i loved being the person people could run to for their problems, just reading my book. i appreciate and love anyone who is reading this right now.


for the last thing; who am i?

hi! i'm keegan. i also go by ľubomíra, if you rather that. i use he/she/it pronouns. i'm transmasc and fem presenting, as well as homoromantic asexual.
i enjoy hermitcraft + the life series, u.s. history, world history, geography, flags, eurovision, listening to music, writing poetry, singing, yoga and breathing exercises, rollerskating, putting on makeup, coloring my hair, painting, sleeping, and hanging out with my friends.
my birthday is august 7.
i have mostly recovered from my depression. all people will have ups and downs. there is no in between. this book, although its existence is
an embarrassment to my conscience, saved me.
point being ;
thank you for all the good times. i love you guys, and i loved this book. it'll still be open per usual, but i probably won't write anymore to be fully honest.

have a great day/night/whateva
-keegan / mellohi

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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