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yeah hey guys
it' s me
imm not copy and pasting the
suMmArY uwu
here's just overall warnings

possible ed
self harm
sexual assault
sewer slide
abuse (more specifically just slapping)

they/them pronouns per usual
Having to explain that your friends weren't as bad as they seemed to Eret was almost a daily task now.
You'd have to explain how "Oh, they have a dissociative identity disorder! it was an alter's fault!" or "oh! they have BPD! It's not their fault!"
And, it's not like you were fake-claiming them, it was just that- oh, well, the whole harassment thing?
Maybe the smacking your ass without consent, touching your thigh without even batting an eye, and the incident with the one where he literally put himself on top of you so that you'd kiss him?

"Y/N! Just listen to me, alright?! You need help! Be honest! Those people aren't good people! They harass you! They treat you like an inanimate object, Y/N!"
He'd often say things like this, trying to shove the idea into your thick skull that these weren't good people.
You finally confronted them, asking them why they treated you the way they did.
"It's how the group is."
"It's how we are."
"Don't blame us."
Your friend did that thing he does, smacking your cheek, and then put on a romantic face, then 'kiss it all better.'
In that moment, it hit you.
"I'm fucking done Eret."
You said, opening the door to his streaming room.
You'd gotten the notification earlier that he was live, and you knew he still had to be live.
Quickly pulling out her earbuds, Eret stood up, and walking out of the room.
"I'm not listening to my their shit, they need to stop just... treating me like ass! I've done nothing wrong to them!"
Your partner nodded.
"Y/N, what happened?"

"He did that thing! The fucking 'oH i'M thAt OnE gUy FrOM sqUID gaME tHaT sLAPs aLL tHe PeoPlE tRyING tO gET tHEm TO PlAY! and then kiss it all better! I hate that so much i wanna just-"

"calm down. i'll end stream. we can talk more then."
Quickly returning back to their desk, the looked into their screen.
"Sorry chat! Something came up! Gotta end stream! Are me and Y/N breaking up? Nope! Don't worry, we can talk about it next stream if they're okay with it!"
You told Eret what all you could remember your friends doing to you.
He listened, until you fell asleep in his arms.
"It's alright love. People like that don't last long in life, not long at all."
don't let people walk all over you
i'm working on it, i promise

have a swag night/day/whateva

Eret x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now