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i just drew vent art and then reminded myself someone who reads this book knows what i look like
and soon
you all will too :]
not for 100k though, i'm doing the rewrite but for now this
ayo also- 60 chapters??? tf?? i randomly started a book now look where we are

summarys : i already said it's a request- look at the fuckin thing idiot 🙄🙄🙄🙄


Type: uh idfk fluff comfort????

Warnings: breakdown/panic attack, implied abuse
also this is going to be heavily based off of stuff i do in the midst of a breakdown so uh 😍

Relationship: ayo- idfk- Lovers ig????????? uh

also i made the ex gender neutral cause i wanted to
deal with it

They messaged you, saying they wanted to get back together. But you had Eret now, you had your Alastair, and you gave them several chances to fix what they'd done.
Why hadn't you blocked their number anyways?

You immediately shut off your phone, completely shutting it off and slamming it down onto your bed.
You moved as far away from the device as possible, as if it was evil.
Your legs contracted towards your chest as you put your head in your knees, and holding your head down with your hands.
With tears making your knees wet and heavy breathing, you slowly pulled yourself from the ball you had curled yourself into, and stood up. Soon, you started pacing around in circles, before walking to a corner where you threw all your dirty, useless clothes.
Digging through it, you found a dark maroon hoodie, and put it on quickly.
Eret had let you borrow it, since after you finally separated from your ex you struggled to keep yourself on your feet.
Despite the many times you'd worn it, and how long it had just been sitting there in a pile of your laundry, it still smelled like Eret.
You sat in the middle of the floor, just sitting there rocking back and forth.

You heard a knock on the door, before it opened and Eret walked in, and looked at you on the floor.
You stood up, and hugged the confused man. As he hugged you back.
"What's wrong?"
They asked simply, receiving a head shake 'no' from you.
"Come on, let's go sit."
Slowly inching with you attached to them, they made their way and sat down on the bed. She moved your phone, and put it on the nightstand, and adjusted so that both of you were comfy.
"Just breathe, kay? It's alright, i'm here now. I'm not going anywhere."
There was no way you were going to let go, Eret would just have to wait it out.
At some point, you'd fallen asleep in Eret's arms. You'd calmed down. You managed to sleep.
i don't think this is what you were expecting but it's what you're getting
Bitches be like: i let the middle child traumatize the youngest child
my mom: i'm bitches
life is ass
tbh i'm a bit overwhelmed
or don't cause i'll probably use the writing grind as an excuse to not do my homework
jk cause my mom will just take away my phone and go through it
i don't want that lmao
then she'll be like
'WhY dIdN't YoU tElL mE'
cause you don't care lmao
have a great day/night/whateva
-Mellohi/Goblin/Ethereal <3

i'm sad

Eret x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now