-woah angst 😟-

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i haven't written angst in a while so here ya go 😍🤞

Summary : I am just a freak 🥺🤞


Type: short angst because this song is actually really mf short

Warnings: attempted suicide/self harm
⬆️i think that's all i need to put? if you need me to put others i will⬆️

Relationship: Lovers
Yes i enjoy doing this to you
the tears before weren't enough :]
Opening Discord, Eret checked your DMs, excited to tell you something, what was it? He ended up forgetting. Too distraught, confused, concerned by the message he watched you send.
Well, the little 'y/un is typing...'

Eret's beloved
Sorry Eret. I can't do this anymore. I love you so, so, so much! I'm going to leave, but don't miss me too much, kay? Bye bye my favorite pretty boy :]

Immediate panic washed over him as he began typing.

Y/un's beloved
just hang on
you can't
you won't

Eret's beloved

Y/un's beloved
just wait
i'll come get you okay?
we can go on a date
i'll hold you in my arms.
it's going to be okay
just hold on
Eret's POV
Don't kill me
Without really even thinking too much, i was up and out.
just help me run away
Elaina was confused- but i don't have time.
From everyone
They make me so happy, they can't leave me.
I need a place to stay
god... i should've listened when they needed to talk. I mean, i did, right?
Where I can cover up my face
I arrived at their apartment, as it wasn't too far from mine, just a couple doors down. I quickly opened the door.
Don't cry,
"Y/N! I'm here!"
I am just a freak
"Go away Eret! You're not changing my mind!"
I am just a freak
"Please, just listen, i want to help you! I don't remember if i listened to you in the past, but if i didn't you can talk to me! Just- please!"
I am just a freak
There was a pause, before they opened the door.
I am just a freak
Blood was already dripping from their arms.
My head is filled with parasites
Their eyes were red and teary as the clear liquid poured from them.
Black holes cover up my eyes
"Hey, hey, it's okay, it's okay, everything's alright."
I dream of you almost every night
"I'm here for you."
Hopefully I won't wake up this time
"I don't want to be here anymore. I just wanna stay asleep forever."
I won't wake up this time
"Well i'd be sad if you did."
I won't wake up this time
"You don't mean that."
I won't wake up this time
"I do mean it, I bolted over here, cause i genuinely care about you."
I took care of them, I wrapped their arms, we watched a movie together, they seemed better than how I found them. So that's good i guess.

I should really take them to the hospital soon, but to be honest, i don't think they'd want to go.
me and my friend made a fake toxic addison rae acc 😍🤞
i haven't exactly written angst recently
and i need fresh tears
give me them
in the bottle

"sip sippin on people who read my fanfics tears"
i'm so funny
anyways have a great day/night/whateva
-Mellohi <3
don't call the cops on me or i'll write more angst

Eret x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now