not another a/n

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this is a serious thing
i don't know how much longer i can stay on the internet
i'm stuck in the same boat as eret was
if you didn't know
Eret took that two month break cause he felt like- anxiety? (i believe was what he said) when he was going to interact with the internet and all that
i feel the same
but unlike eret i can't get help
i can't just find a therapist all on my own
let alone pay for one
i'm a kid who likes making content for people to enjoy
but i don't know how much longer i can put up a wall of pretending to be okay
it's fucking hard
so i might be taking a break
i don't know yet
but i really can't do this anymore
i can't pretend to be okay

what drives me is likes and views
for wattpad it's votes and reads but you get it
i do post my face on tiktok, i cosplay, i draw, all that jazz, but recently my views have been going down along with the likes
same on here
every chapter gets less views
and less
and less
and i'm waiting till the day that it hits 0 again like how it was when i first started this book

but views and likes means people like my content
reads and votes means people like my content

i've also been getting a small amount of hate on basically all my platforms except twitter cause my twitter is literally just me spamming about how shit life is
but yeah

i'm obviously not trying to compare to eret, i was just using them as an example of how i feel

as always
have a great day/night/whateva
-Mellohi/Goblin <3

i love you all so much
you guys mean the world to me
and i'm glad i met all of you
(even the ones who don't comment and just vote, i see you guys :] )

Eret x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now