-A Lifetime of Anxiety-

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Heyo, just me.
Just another rant chapter.
This is sort of just 'Mellohi felt bad about himself so he decided to write a fanfiction because ya gotta cope somehow boys.'
yeah, welcome to my brain.



Type:Mellohi's gotta cope somehow, comfort fluff.

Warnings:panic attack, derogatory comments towards self, self-harm, and suicidal thoughts
(i apologize.)

Relationship:I dunno, it's not part two of 'I'm Evil' but they are roommates. (Do. not. say. it. i. swear. to. god.)
Your hand shook as you took the blade from the drawer. Sighing as you recalled the events of the day, you stare at the slightly bloodied razor in your palm.
Your professors had been dicks the entire day, especially to you. Not to mention the fact that everyone was abandoning you.
No matter how hard you tried, you weren't funny enough. You weren't nice enough. You shuffled into the bathroom, and stared at yourself. You weren't pretty enough.
You weren't enough of anything, and yet you were friends with Eret. I mean, even he was falling apart from you.
Before you had even realized, there were several slits across your wrists, where an old drawing of you and Eret as little blobs (blob dream basically.) sat. You'd drawn it a few days ago, with sharpie, that had surprisingly stayed.
You felt the tears push past your eyes and flow over, dripping softly into the sink.
Eret would be back soon, why now? Why'd you have the urge to just- end it all?
You had to admit, it would've been nice to just leave. But, someone would be sad.
Who though?
Your parents didn't support where you were going in life.
Your friends had found new friends and definitely hated you for trying to fix everything.
Eret wouldn't care.
Eret would care.
Eret wouldn't care.
Eret would care.
Eret wouldn't care.
Eret would care.
Eret wouldn't care.
Eret would care.
Eret cares.
"Hey! Y/N, i'm back!"
He calls, entering the apartment.
He knew about your problems.
Fear was all that man felt.
Eret's POV.
Where are they?
Are they in the apartment..?
Bathroom, check the— shit.
They were sat on the floor, staring weekly at the doorway knowing i'd come looking.
"What the hell were you thinking?!"
I exclaim, shuffling quickly to them.
They laugh softly, almost pitifully at me.
"Why do you care..?"
"I care because i love you!"
I have to clarify, they'll feel left behind.
"I love you so much, i'd go to the ends of the earth to get you out of your anxiety-ridden hell, i swear!"
I look desperately into their eyes, holding their face in my hands and forcing them to look at me.
"You don't mean that."
Without thinking, I press my lips against theirs.
The pair just stare at each other for a moment, before they both pull away.
Eret smiles softly, and presses his head against yours.
"I promise, i'll love you forever."
He mumbles out, and you start crying again.
For once, it's not in despair. The darkness that had once overtaken your beautiful e/c eyes was now back to it's normal state, light and soft, assured that you were loved.
Eret smiles softly once again, after seeing your eyes develop back into their natural shine, places soft, gentle kisses on your lips, a few on your nose, and across your chin.
He really does love you.
This was—
I'm gonna go take a shower now, bye.
have a great day/night/whateva.

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