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They made a joke about fanfiction and i didn't hear what it was so i said
"Nothing, nothing don't worry about it"
UGH 😍😍😍😍
I hit myself in a fit of happiness and stimming lmao
lol i don't like being called an eret simp so don't call me it
yes i do 'simp' for eret and i call myself it but i don't like other people doing it ty <3
[if you don't respect my boundaries i will simply block you <3]

also if you know what the joke was please tell me i wasn't paying attention

the 'and they were roommates' comments are traumatizing 😍
i hate you guys (compliment)

summarys : and


Type: were (fluff)

Warnings: None

Relationship: roommates
guys i'm so funny and cool y'all can't compare 😍🤞

late birthday chapter but not the original one i was gonna do but i'll still post the other when i finish it pog?
also y/n is heavily based off of me in this one, especially my coping skills :] hope you guys don't mind
You stared at the ceiling, waiting for your roommate to get home.
It felt like hours had gone by, when in reality it had been about thirty minutes.
You groaned, and rolled off your bed and walked into the living room. You sat on the couch, and turned on the TV, and finding one of Tommy's random videos to watch.
You watched one of the videos the whole way through, as Eret walked through the door, different plastic and paper bags adorned their arms.
You looked up, and smiled.
"About time you came back."
You stretched, as Eret stared blankly at you.
"I mean yeah, but could I get some help with the bags?"
She frowned slightly, as you got up and took a few of the bags from their arm.
The two of you walked to the kitchen, setting the various bags on the counter.
"You can go back to what you were doing, I'll get everything out and put it all away."
They smiled at you, as you stared blankly.
"You sure?"
You tilted your head slightly, expecting them to want help.
She simply nodded, and shooed you off back into the living room.
You stared at the screen, before Eret came back with a few bags in his hands.
You looked up as Eret walked to the coffee table and set them down.
"So- before you do anything. I forgot about your birthday, my bad, i'm really sorry. Secondly— I know you haven't been doing too well mood but I wanted to try and make you happy. So I got you some stuff!"
You stared at the bags for a moment as they sat down beside you.
"Do you want me to just open them..?"
You asked, as they nodded simply as a response.

Opening the first bag, you pulled out a few canvases, as well as a small paint set, a drawing notebook, and some of the mechanical pencils you liked using. Setting it aside, you smiled, and looked at Eret.
"Well there's more."
They smiled, pointing at the two other bags.
You moved the empty bag out of the way, reaching into another one.
That one contained several bags and containers of beads you could use to make kandi, or bracelets, and of course elastic was in there. A lot of elastic.

You almost lost it, looking in the third bag you immediately knew what it was and didn't even pull it from the bag.
You looked at Eret, who simply smiled at you.
Wrapping your arms around him, you just completely tackled him in a hug.
He got you a new PC.
The one you'd always wanted, with the LEDs inside and everything.
He wrapped his arms around you in return, as you put your head on his shoulder.
"God I love you."
You smiled, as he laughed softly.
"As you should."
You decided to set your PC up later, and just wanted to chill around with him and use your new stuff they got you.
"No- you just need to— no! Not that way, the other way!"
Teaching her to make kandi stars wasn't the easiest. Cuffs were even harder, but they got the hang of both eventually.
As they worked on a cuff, you decided to sit on the couch and play with their hair.
[I love Eret's hair so much i don't want him to cut it :[[ ]
Without him particularly realizing, you put beads in his hair, as well as a few small braids here and there.
At some point, Eret turned on music, although you couldn't remember when they turned it on.
The two of you turned on a movie, sitting on the couch. Eret's long legs took up most of the couch, and their head lay in your lap.
It was comforting, watching some kind of stupid lovey-dovey rom-com with shit tons of stereotypes and clichés, and just you and Eret sitting there, it was peaceful.
You both fell asleep at some point.
In the back of your mind, you felt a sense of wanting to be more than friends. That would never happen though, right? Right..?

guess who got their first vaccination shot todayyyy
yepp meee
i also go by Ethereal now :]
idk why
it sounds really fem but i like the name
so yes
i go by 3 names and like— 13 different pronouns
feeling good

i know these chapters where Eret and the Reader are roommates, are more platonic and friendship-like, but the majority of chapters are romantic and you are partners with them
and i've had an idea to write something where you're siblings with someone? maybe not Eret idk but you'd be like 6 lol 😍

would that be weird if i wrote a chapter where you two were siblings is what i'm trying to say
since almost everything else is romantic
what if i did another Q&A
idk if i will but uh yuh
have a great day/night/whateva
-Mellohi/Goblin/Ethereal <3

idk what happens to Ela in these stories
guess she just dies idk
i should write something with her in it 😟😟😟
Wait is she okay with fanfiction
i want to check

also give me sad songs to write sad fics to rn
🔫☺️ rn
or i will simply punt you

Eret x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now