-comfort <3-

795 30 14

the people of the discord want food so here i am
if you want to join the discord i'll probably put a new link up on my wall!!!! 💗
they/them prns!!
comfort fluff
tired y/n
lowercase intentional!! 💗

it was late, sometime around 2:15 in the morning. you didn't want to go home. but, you knew eret would be concerned, but until that moment you hadn't really cared.
you had left the house around twelve pm to go on a little walk to the grocery store since you'd been trying to use your car less. you got a... tad sidetracked and stayed out all day.
you were completely exhausted, but just decided to walk back to your shared home.
the streets were silent, the only thing you ever really heard were a few birds, the buzz of streetlights, the jingling of your keys on your lanyard, cars passing every so often, and the soft pitter-pattering of the rain softly sprinkling on the concrete sidewalk.
you smiled softly, approaching the steps to your home and walking up the porch steps. you fiddled with your keys for a moment, and as you were about to put your key in the lock, the door swung open.
"there you are! i was worried sick darling!"
your partner exclaimed, pulling you in the door with a hug.
"hi hun."
you smiled, snaking your arms around their torso.
"you look exhausted."
she stated, a soft somewhat comforting with a small hint of concern in his eyes.
"thanks captain obvious."
you snickered, and eret fluffed your hair and shut the door.
"here, just take my sweater. you're fine."
xey insisted, tossing it to you.
"okay, okay."
you paced to the bathroom, shut the door and changed into your partner's sweater. it was a light pink sweatshirt. the ends of the sleeves mimicked strawberry leaves, with little points. it had little strawberries all over it. ever since the strawberry dress, strawberries basically became your partner's favorite thing. not that you were complaining, they're adorable.
you walked out of the bathroom and put your wet t-shirt from before in the laundry basket. the shorts you'd been wearing weren't too wet from the rain, so you just left the on.
you looked over to see eret on their phone, scrolling through some social media app that you were too tired to care about.
you climbed into bed next to her, wrapping your arms around zeyr body like you did before. eret turned slightly, setting his phone down on the white nightstand.
"alexa, turn off all bedroom lights."
your partner whispered out, and like that your lights were off. you lay in the dark next to your beloved partner.
as you started to drift to sleep, you felt his fingers play with your hair softly. you smiled, nuzzling into your partner's chest.
"how about don't stay out till ungodly hours next time."
i don't really like this that much
i was going to add more i'm just actually very tired
enjoy my children
516 words
have a great day/night/whateva

Eret x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now