-sobs ahhh-

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dni if you say "goofy ahhh" unironically /srs
vent chapter
tw: human gore/sh, blades, blood, eating disorder, body image issues
they/them prns
i promise this chapter has dialogue, just wait 💔
To be honest, you weren't sure when you and Eret started dating. It was over two years ago for sure, but the exact day you weren't sure. Neither was Eret, to be fair, so who cares?
Although throughout this time you always felt imperfect. Correction- you had for a long time. Eret being a lot more famous than you did not help either.
You always wallowed in self hatred and pity when you thought like that.
You sat there, with a blade in hand, just slicing at your skin.
You didn't really cry at this, the pain made you feel better about your body.
You and Eret were out one day when someone walked up and greeted him and introduced themself as one of your partner's fans. You smiled, hoping to get some recognition... something. But that never came. They handed you their phone, and casually you took the picture of the two people together. This was a normal occurrence when people recognized Eret. Rarely ever did someone recognize you as the person dating their idol.
That night, you were fed up.
You stared blankly around your room, before you started crying softly. Soon, the soft tears falling from your eyes turned into anger and hatred. You threw things around, pulling the pillows off your bed and throwing them onto the ground.
Apparently, Eret heard the ruckus from his streaming room. Opening the door slowly, she frowned at the sight of you collapsing onto the floor, holding your knees to your chest, your head against them.
"...y/n? can i come in?"
they mumbled, and you looked over. Your face was red, pillows scattered your floor, your rolled up sleeves displaying a vulnerable side of you.
"hi, darling."
Eret said softly, opening the door and approaching you slowly.
they sat next to you calmly.
"can you tell me what's going on..?"
eret asked, meeting your eyes.
you sighed.
"I-... I just- I just wish that people would recognize me for once. No offense to you of course, i love you, but it literally makes me want to carve out my bones and tear the skin off my body and chop off all my extra skin because- well- you're just so perfect and everyone loves you and you get so many views and-"
eret's face had dropped at this. she didn't know what she was expecting , but this wasn't it.
"darling... i promise, you are perfect, more perfect than i am. everyone loves you, believe it or not. especially me."
the end of this is rushed cause i wanted to get to the point:
i hate myself and i want to carve my skin off
i was virtually spoiled, too many likes, it all got to me
and yeah

don't be concerned about me
i am okay
have a great day/night/whateva

p.s. hi

Eret x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now