-You're not Going to Leave... Right?-

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welp ya boi has attachment issues so rant chapter ig 🕺



Type: fluffy angst?

Warnings: swearing and toxic ppl

Relationship:idk, if you wanna spam me with the roomates thing go ahead—
You stared blankly at the note. This wasn't his handwriting, it's a joke, right? Sure, recently you fought a lot but why was he leaving you? You spent so much time together, you bought him things, you promised you were going to take him places and you have but he wanted to see his boyfriend.
Your friends were laughing at whoever wrote the note's mess-ups, and so were you. Eret saw through it, despite laughing with you. He'd talk to you later about it.
"Are you really okay with this?"
He asked, staring at you.
"I mean, you and Seth have been friends for years, and i remember you tried so hard to fix your friendship with him that one time he left you..."
He went over what'd happened with he boy in the past. You had to pretend as if it didn't phase you right now, as the rest of your friend group was with you.
"Who cares, he was toxic when he left me the first two times."
Eret POV
Two? Why were they still friends if Seth left them before. Well- I guess it makes sense. They've talked about how much they love him, in more of a platonic way. Especially after they realized their father didn't seem like a father to them. Seth kind of took that role as a replacement. They also bought 'Your Tommy' and 'Your Tubbo' compass necklaces... They were like, thirty dollars if i'm remembering correctly. They've made jokes about how the two of them have basically kissed cause they drink each other's drinks— and not to mention they've literally slept in the same bed multiple times.
There's no way they're okay with him just leaving.
2nd person
You smiled, Eret put together that you didn't want to talk about it right now.
You could tell him later.
Your group slowly disband for the night, each heading back home. You and Eret walked in a comfortable silence back to your apartment.
When you got back to the apartment, you took off your shoes and went to your room. Eret slowly followed behind you, taking more time as not to bother you too much. You shut the door behind you. You quickly changed into more comfortable clothes, knowing Eret would come check up on you before too long.
About five minutes passed, and he knocked on the door.
You were laying on the floor, dimmed red LEDs on staring at the note Seth had someone you didn't know give it to you, completely void of movement.
You didn't reply, so he just opened the door.
Your arms flopped outwards, so you stared at the ceiling.
"Y/N are you-..."
He started before you interrupted.
"He used me."
It seemed to have hit you just now. At first it was funny, but now it was absolute shit.
"Eret, he knew how hard it is for me to make friends. He knew how easily i get attached to people and he didn't care. He knew he was just going to—"
Eret walked over to you, and sat beside you.
"He said we'd leave and go meet his boyfriend together when we had enough money! He said he'd stay!"
Tears poured from your eyes, as you sat up and talked to him about it.
"Eret the two of us had so much we wanted to do and did together and he couldn't even tell it to my face!"
You wiped the tears from your face, more rippling down your cheeks after.
"Y/N, breathe. Mkay? Listen to me, and breathe."
He softly said, holding out a hand for you to take. You look at his hand, and place yours on top of it.
He smiles, and grabs your hand more firmer in his, before pulling you in a hug.
You sit in his arms for a moment, before realizing what he did.
You smiled and laughed slightly, and hugged him back, nuzzling your head into the crook of his neck.
You often tagged him in videos on tiktok that reminded you of him, like those cute ones that are people writing i love you and stuff.
One day as you were about to tag him in another, you paused. You did it too much didn't you? You were being annoying. So you stopped.
"Y/N why'd you stop?"
He asks you one day when you're sitting in your apartment with him.
"Stop what?"

"You tag me in tiktoks a lot, and you stopped!"
He says, and you pause.
"I uhm... i thought you were annoyed by it."
You say softly, and he frowns.
"No! Now i'm sad! Cause i like to know that you care!"
He folds his arms over his chest in a playful manner, he was trying to make it seem like less of a scolding, more of a joke.
"I was just scared you were gonna leave."
You admitted, and he looked at you.
"Stand up-"
He simply says and you comply, getting up slightly confused.
He puts his forehead against yours and wraps his arms around you.
"I'm not gonna leave you."

"So... You're not gonna leave, right?"

eeee e e e e. ee 
idk what to write here 🕺
i'm probably gonna update with a request later so watch for that
anyways have a great day/night/whateva
-Mellohi <3
P.S. Go eat, drink some water, sleep if you need, and remember i love you :)

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