💋hanging out💋 Edited

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My plane landed few minutes ago, passing through the many crowd of people in the waiting hall. The weather here seemed more hash compared to that of the capital territory, signing I draw my trolley along on sighting the familiar car from Abdullah house I moved in fast pace to were he was standing by the car.

He helped with my trolley into the butt of the car, making myself comfortable in the front seat securing the seat belt tight resting my head on the head rest as I closed my eyes.

The drive came to a half as I exhale a deep breath opening my eyes gradually making sure my eyes got used to the light, "thank you" I mumbled almost to myself but he nodded his head any ways making me know he heard me. He helped with my trolley, as I walked into the big house I have all to myself settling on the couch my phone beamed notifying a message from my friend asking if am home and free to escort her.

Jumping off the couch I hurried to my room to freshen up maybe before then she arrived, settling on a ponds pink maxi dress which had flowers all over it, i exhaled a breath settling on the vanity mirror as I stared at myself, I look big my cheeks over grown for my self I look like someone who swallowed a frog uglier than ever, although I look matured not that 18 years old girl it was actually a plus on my side.

Just as I finished glossing my lips with the nude lip gloss I heard the door been open making me hurry down the stairs to welcome my guess who much to my surprise was Aisha.

She was standing by the door gazing around the house while I hold into the rile for support like my life depended on it.

"Not even a welcome hug" she mocked walking further into the room, "what else will I expect from a lass like you, maybe that was why yaya got married to his Long lost lover ...." I couldn't catch the lady part she said to herself.

"Welcome Aisha what will you like to take" I asked walking into the door as I made my mind not to ever pay head to her, I tot I told Abdullah I'll be fine alone it's not that I was some baby, I can take care of myself and also my child that remind me.

"Well water will do" getting into the kitchen I set a tray of water and some fresh date for her knowing there was nothing edible in this house not even some cookies I took all that with me to Abuja.

Getting back to my room I picked my card which I never used, my bag shoes and veil wrapping it around my body, with a black sandals

"Where are you heading to" Aisha asked behind my back frightened me, I hold unto the rile to enable to steady myself so I couldn't fall I can't afford having a miscarriage without Letting the father know about his child.

Even though having a child no, bring a child into this world was something I hate so much I just couldn't do something alone without letting his father know, I have this full assurance of Abdullah not forcing me to have the baby once I explain myself to him then am sure he will understand.

She laughed evilly making me realize her motives behind straggling me, shaking my head I walked out of the house completely not paying head to her yelling out my name to stop.

The girl has to start been respectful or better still responsibility she's too childish for her age. Been her brothers wife is no easy task.

exhaling a sharp breath I pushed the door open beaming at my friend whose head was out of the car staring at the house with open mouth .

"Don't tell me you stay here" ummita asked still looking around the huge house I tot was too huge for me only to feel it getting small as laylah moved in with us no since when Abdullah decided to get married to her.

"Asalam to you too" I rounded the other side of the car and hoped in thank good Aisha didn't follow me out she won't with what she was dressed in.

"How are you"
She asked as soon as I got into the car pulling her head back into the car,
"As you can see am doing great"
Fanning myself dramatically earning a chuckle from her as she micmick me we both giggled maybe she wasn't that bad I though as the car becomes silent once again

Short chappy
Happy new months,

Update will be ever Friday insha so till tomorrow


Ongoing edition
All right reserved
Aleeyu Zaynab

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