💋Motivated💋 Edited

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Somewhere in the world

"I won't advice you on taking online classes"

Came Nene's voice, Jamal cousin

His mother's elder brothers daughter, Hermana nodded her head putting down the cup of her tea back.

"After giving it much, I thought same too"

Hermana signed this was taking a toll on her, but she prayed over this for months straight and here come September.

"Yeah, I can't wait to show off someone"
A loud squirrel left Nene's lips, the girl never behave like the adult she was although she clicked eighteen seven months ago making Hermana few months older than her.

Hermana rolled her eyes, thanking the gods as she sighted Jamal walking in the door looking like some run away model, nene was already adjusting her veil to make sure she looked presentable for she had a dye crush on her uncle was he even that maybe her brother.

There relationship with jamal was the best, not even the bit of crush she had on him could drift there friendship it was so strong.

She was like the younger sister he never had and he was like the father she never had, her father died while she was still in her mothers womb.

It was the death that announced her existence in her mother's womb giving her last hope to hold onto but left the world anyways after giving birth to her.

"Bounding without me"

Jamal asked already pulling the other sit around the table to sit on.

"We dare not do that just chitchatting"

Nene added

"And ya guess what she finally agreed to join school"

Jamal resisted the urge to face palm himself, he wanted to give her those chances of doing what she wanted not everyone get those chance only rear.

"I promise ya I didn't force her into doing it, I just motivated her"

Nene was already beaming at the end of her statement, feeling the pride spread across her chest,
"I hope so, if you don't feel like going to school Amina it's fine"

Jamal stated like it was going to change the fact for she has already set her mind on moving on, Abdullah shouldn't be worth making her keep biting herself over this.

He was surly enjoying his life with laylah, she felt a lump form in her throat at the thought of those two, she couldn't help the feeling of wanting to cry out her pains.

But she won't let the tears just fall, she promised herself to never let her tears fall just cause of this again, just maybe in another life.

"Ya we should better start arranging for going with her and her admission too"

Nene kept rambling
As she sat at the passenger sit next to jamal on their ride back home, Hermana busied herself with Nene's iPhone XR all thought out the ride to prevent her thought traveling around, she needed that much to help keep her sanity she wouldn't want letting those loving people around her see her at her worst.

She will only make them feel bad, the drive came to a halt. They all made there way towards the house nene and Jamal where behind her holding unto the paper bags Jamal asked nene to stay behind so she could help him get them into the house.

Hermana offered a helping her but Jamal dismissed her with a smile saying nene and him where going to take care of them.

Well they where not best buddy but where not also too stiff around each other, they where just fine to live in the space of one another without having a tensed air.

Hermana never let anyone around her personal space only Jamal's mother who promised to love her like her daughter, for she said Hermana reminded her so much of her days.

She didn't say they where the same but at least what they went through was something same, although the woman was doing so find Hermana doubted herself doing so she just couldn't, she wasn't that strong.

Been married again was what Hermana never pictured herself doing maybe just in another life, perhaps Jamal's mother's words about her and Jamal probably been siblings in the next life was true because at 33 jamal still hated the thought of been married.

His mother has tried setting him countless time with her husbands female relatives but Jamal keeps chasing after the girls to let him be.

Folding her hands over her blossom is what she does with Jamal's matter, he will definitely find the one made for him but maybe just maybe the time wasn't near.

Praying is all wat she keeps doing for them,
"So soon"

Her lips where stretch into a beautiful contagious smile making Hermana grin at her,
"Good day"

Hermana greater finding a spot next to her, "blesssed child where are the two"

Hermana knee who she was asking after it was her sound together with her daughter.

"Getting some stuffs in the car, where is Faril"

Hermana asked after Jamal stepbrothers who was 7 his mother got married 10years who when Jamal was 23, those where his hard time but Hermana doubted if it was so the man was a good man.

Although they never had any conversation with Hermana, they only get to see each other over breakfast and dinner.

"Mama, guess what"

Nene asked getting into the room not holding anything in her hands Hermana wondered where the paper bags where but shrugged anyways wanting to here eat nene was going to say this time the girl was never out of energy.

The said person shook her head at nene,
"When did that become Salam or is it your way of greeting now"

Raising her brows mockingly at nene, Hermana gulped down her laughter but failed to take down the soft sound of giggling escaping her lips, nene was sending her glare.

But she cared less throwing her head back as she broke into fit of merriments.


Wetin you think about Hermana

Whose curious

Ongoing edition
All right reserved
Aleeyu Zaynab

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