💋No one to turn to💋 Edited

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Wild flower
Shade of pink
Fear and storm

Reaching the hospital where I found out about me leaving the receipt I made for the payment which I had to show at the hospital at home got me really wanting to cry, it was already five minutes to the time  and there was nothing to be done unless I go back home and take it along with me.

Sighting the driver I told him to return me home where I quickly got out of the car into the house up the stairs only to be meet with my door room open, I couldn't remember leaving it that way I tot not giving much thought to it as I shrugged walking further into the room.

Abdullah was sited by the bed holding the receipt with red stained eyes which got me frightened he looked straight at me frightened me.

"Where the hell are you coming from"

He thundered tears spilling out of his eyes, I got confused frightened at the same time as he pulled me to him pushing me into the room as I locked the door.


"Shut the fucking up ungreatful fool"

He was few inches away from me, I was scared as the thudding of my hearts could be heard inches away from where am standing, he should at least listen to me it wasn't my fault at all, he was the one who doesn't want to have a child he got me pregnant.

"Why wasn't i what you want to start a family with after giving you everything, this is the only way you thought of repaying me, then you must be very thoughtful and start parking I don't want to see you any where near this house ever again and I mean it Amina"

His words really got me and before I knew it he was already out of the room why, I wanted explaining myself at last telling him I didn't abort the child to tell him it was all his fault after all he doesn't want a child but I guess doing that is late for, I had to start parking he said for me to leave his house and not to be any where near there.

Where the hell does he even want me to go to I have no one to turn to should I go to his parents house, no.

I was a crying mess by the time I finished parking all I will be needing which where five trolley I didn't know how to do with them.

Only shoving the important things I'll be needing which consisted of my certificate golds, clothes in two huge trolley I got myself down the stairs with each in two round picking up a black hijab over my body I pulled the boxes along with me out of the house not even letting laylah know.

Not knowing where to start from I sat by the junction where vehicles kept passing by crying my eyes out I have no where to go, why does Abdullah have to do this to me to us now, where was I even going to start from checking if I picked my phone only to recall I left it in the car I waved at the taxi which stoped before I told him the address of my fathers house hopping he was there so I could settle was I even welcome there I thought.


Telling the driver to take me up to the car station knowing my father won't even welcome me into his house.

Paying him i got off the car after he helped with my trolley a weave of dizziness hit me, steadying my feet preventing my self from falling.

This place was one thing I never will get myself back I sworn to myself to never step back into this place ever in this life time I was done with them, I have enough money in my account to last me a lifetime with my child I have no idea if it was a boy or I girl I felt the tears rolling down as I got myself into the filled up old bus heading toward sokoto I knew it was up far north I knew no one there but I hope I heal there for this place hold so much pain I couldn't point. I know and strongly believe Allah never burden a soul with what it couldn't hold the pain was something I couldn't push but it still kept me breathing.

Setting up on the road I said so much dua comming my way for Allahs protection Abdullah was never going to see me again maybe not in this life but in the hear after I whipped away my tears feeling my head getting light from all the tears I bit into my lower lips to prevent my self from sobbing the more.

Every person in the bus where sympathizing with me guessing maybe I lost a loved one with each saying a prayer only if they know I lost everything I lost the reason of my existence I have no one.

At our destination I was the last to get down the bus, I slept throughout the long ride where an old woman sitting next to me tapped me lightly before existing the bus, stretching I got down pulled my trolleys the place was all dark I was never one to be Afriad of darkness, out of the car park there was this big road I tried crossing but ended up scrubbing down no able to keep my eyes open I drafted into a deep sleep I knew I wasn't waking anytime soon.

Jummat Mubarak
How was it well I tried 🥺

Ongoing edition
All right reserved
Aleeyu Zaynab

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