💋Thunderstorm & cuddles💋 Edited

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The weather was all cloudy with dark clouds patted across the sky, harmana who was sitted at the backyard with her legs in the pool, stood up and walked back into the house.

She was bored and has nothing to do, a week already has gone, and she hasn't hear from her ma.

How she so wish she had a phone just to hear her voice, how they are all coping.

Her sister mariya and her brother amir. She felt so lonely Abdullah went out earlier to only god knows leaving her all to herself.

Maybe he went to see his family she thought, that people she vowed to never step her foot in that house again.

The other day her mother inlaw left her all to herself, not even food was brought to her. And she heard them eating, some people are so inhuman.

She quickly went up to her room strap all her clothes, snicked into a towel waking into the loo to have a bath to get off her messy mind.

Hermana always don't like herself with her idea self she found herself thinking unnecessary, just like the other day she was thinking why do shit smell 😂, she giggled at the thought.

They are by-products or what so ever. That thought aside she remembers this one question that kept bugging her why do female have to marry a man why not just live your life freely.

Maybe because getting married is the only way to complete half of her Deen the other Deen is left for you, your prayers, fasting, giving out charity and good deeds.

Why is the sky up not down, she laughed at herself. Drying out the water from her body with a small white towel.

She got dressed in a free flowing blue maxi dress which complimented her skin so well which was glowing extraly

She lined her sexy eyes with Kohl daping some pink power over her face, a nude lipstick on her lips.

The sounds she heard while dressing confirmed that Abdullah came back, she moved to the living room upstairs settling on one of the sofa's.

The rain has started falling getting heavy with each passing minutes, hermana stood at the balcony in the living room looking at the rain pouring.

Enjoying the cool breeze brushing her face, hermana smiled to herself placing her hands over her husband's whose hands where wrapped firmly around her.

The lil touch send warm electro_feeelings down Hermana stomach which where already having butterflies.

Abdullah cuddled his arms around his wife's petite firm inhaling her sweet musk with a mixture of bukoor scent.

They both stood staring at the rain pouring on there empty street.

"Will you want some chocolates" hermana offer to make something that will make them warm.

"Sure" they walked hand in hand to the cooking house, hermana never stopped her husband from touching her.

From what she got to understand was her husband likes getting touchy like a prrrring cat.

They duo sat in a conformable silence sipping from there mug of streaming hot chocolate.

"I got you resister in a school" Abdullah said to his wife who stood to drop the cup, she stopped dead in her track.

Before releasing a loud happy scream. "Thanks you" she said already back to the living room, keeping the empty mugs she was once holding on the center table.

Hermana jumped on her husband and hugged him, thanking him with tears beaming from her eyes.

She couldn't believe one shattered dreams is coming true, maybe her ma was right this marriage wasn't bad after all.

Abdullah and hermana drifted into there laa land, cuddling each other😁.

How are we all
Masha Allah.

So hermana is going back to school, whose excited as I am.


Ongoing edition
All rights reserved
Aleeyu xynab

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