💋Advice💋 Edited

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"I told you this countless time Aisha to watch out"

Laylah said voice above mere whisper into her friend ears who was a crying mess on her shoulders.

"I know I shouldn't have"

The same words keep coming out of Aisha lips since when she found out about her sons death wasn't from god but her husband was behind it because of money.

Wasn't the man rich enough does, he sleeps under money his wardrobe is filled with money not even in naira but dollars that too hundred dollars.

"Ahmed is not all you have Aisha the deed has already be done nothing can undone it"

She was quick to pull herself out of Laylah's hug, why did she even marry the stupid man.

He will be same age with one who birthed her or not even older yet she was blinded by all that, he had many children even illegal yet he didn't give anyone out but her son her Ahmed.

He was the love of her life her first love what was she supposed to do now, take him to court or just divorce him she was clueless on her next action.

"Just pray Aisha this not the end of the world, pray and depend on Allah for judgement"

Laylah felt those words foreign to her ears even though she was uttering them herself, was Allah going to ever answer her friends prayer.

Laylah felt an unsettling feeling setting under her belly like a lump she felt in her throat, they really have to mend there ways maybe this was a wake up call for her for them.

They should repent and turned to the lord the earlier the better.

Somewhere in earth

"Why ain't you picking anything fashionable"

Nene asked, stretching her neck to take glimpse of Hermana cart who seemed to be pushing an empty cart, shrugging her shoulders Hermana kept moving not paying head to nene ramble the girl never gets tired of talking.

Waking up by the wrong side of the bed was something Hermana hated mr red decided to visit her last night, the reason behind her soar mood.

"It's not fair"

Nene yelled, pushing her chart fast to catch up to Hermana who was ahead of her.

"You know yaya will definitely talk about why I let you have empty chart while I on the other hands had mine full to the brim"

A cute pout was adoring her lips by the end of her statement, Hermana chuckled lightly.

What has she done to deserve such love, Jamal promised to take care of her including her education although she didn't mind him saying he will run business with the five million she handed to him.

"Earth to miss"

Nene clapped her palm together frightened the poor Hermana who wanted to so badly beat the girl she needed to be in bed but no the girl just had to drag her shopping. Who does that only nene, Hermana resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

"You should let me be am so tired let's return home"

Nene's hands was placed on her waist in wat seemed to be a hands akimbo style staring at Hermana surprised, was she kidding her. Of course she has too.

"Not yet, we have to finish shopping. And if you really wanna go home then make sure your cart is full"

Nene whispered flipping the hem of her veil dramatically before walking pass Hermana in wat seemed to be a cat walk or whatever.

Hermana signed she knew the girl was nothing but seriously but knowing what nene was capable of doing she then decided to start checking every single thing she set her eyes on just so she pick stuffs that catch her fancy.

"What took you so long"

Jamal asked after the two came out of the huge shopping mall holding many paper bag shopping bags, Hermana signed settling in the passenger sit next to the driver. Jamal and nene where going to sit behind.

One of the shop workers was helping holding bags to the car for nene which she handed over to the driver before walking back into the mall.


"I just can't wait for us to go back to school"
Nene rambled walking out of there adjoined walk-in closet where cabinet of there clothes was arranged ranging from jilbab, veils, maxi dresses etc.

She came out holding a sea green veil which she styled in what seemed to be an Egyptian style, Hermana watched as she did her hijab, well she on the other hand was wearing an ash jilbab with a black snickers a water bottle in her hands as she rested her back on the door watching as nene adjusted her hijab.

They where going on an evening stroll or should she call it a jog what ever it was nothing but Nene's idea, she was planning to take jamal together with them some of there neighbor decided to join after hearing nene talk about taking jamal with them today.

A soft knock was placed on his office door, nene pushed the door living it semi open before walking further into the room,the two came out hand in hand with a smile each on there faces making Hermana smiled there way trailing behind them.

"School resume next month"
Jamal said wanting to start up a conversation, nene was ahead with a guy who Hermana couldn't catch on his name running together.

Nodding her head in response but decided to break the silence, he tried initiating a conversation but she on the other hand was just dump.

"It did be good, I wonder how school life's going to be"

She was indeed thinking with the way she looked ahead, the two where no longer running but walking in fast strides to return home the sun was at it peak of setting

Nothing was better than having a great view of the orange sun hue over a steaming cup of tea.

A lot are asking when Hermana and Abdullah are meeting

The book is just starting


Ongoing edition
All right reserved
Aleeyu Zaynab

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