💋We move💋 Edited

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Laylah had her eyes fixed on the book she was holding for minutes she lost count of, reading was never her thing but as her gaze fell on the dusty bookshelf during her visit to this library she knew she was compiled to reading it.

Now sited over a cup of tea in an afternoon with a book across her fingers was never her thing, her phone vibrated taking her attention off the book she was so engross in.

A small sound of annoyance escaped her red stained lips but she picked the phone, placing it on her eyes as she waits for the person to talk.

The line was silent wanting to hang up the phone and maybe place it back on the table, her thought got cut when the sound of the voice said a Salam.

Laylah had to check the screen to be sure she wasn't hearing things, a small grin appeared on the side of her chin seeing it was Abdullah speaking.

"Not at all, I'll just get dressed"

Laylah said into the phone getting on her feet, the book she was once reading long forgotten on the table as she made way to her room.

Going straight into the walk-in closet where she had all her clothes stuffed, settling on an ivory colored maxi dress, with ballon hands and high turtleneck.

Laylah settled on a cream sandal, a cream veil wrapped in a turban on her head leaving the rest of her dyed hair outside to fall on her back.

Laylah has a long silk hair which she dyed the edges brown.

A car was already packed outside waiting for her, picking up her black Gucci clutch bag on the console she matched out into the silver car parked outside the door.

Abdullah looked at Laylah as she walked into his office room holding her bag, she didn't say a thing to him instead made herself comfortable on the visitors chair facing him.

"What a beautiful office"

Was the first words that left Laylah lips as her gazed traveled around the room then back to Abdullah who was also staring at her.

A small smile was gracing his lips. Laylah will never change was his thought as he stood on his feet towards the fridge.

"What would you like to be served"

He asked after searching for what to give her but failed not knowing her choice if it was Hermana she will always say water.

Why was his thought always about Hermana shouldn't he move on already the girl practically never like him to begin with. Yes he knew he shouldn't have sent her away the way he did, but she called it upon herself at least she should have tell him she was pregnant with his child, was the child even his.

She never give him a chance to doubt her was he so stupid and naive to believe she was innocent, taking calculative steps back to the desk Laylah noticed the change in his soar mood but decided to pay head as though she didn't notice.

Pouring herself the soda Abdullah bought for her a bottle of water for himself which he was gulping as thought he spend years without drinking Laylah watched not saying a thing.

Throwing the can of the small water bottle he was drinking from inside the army green dust bin, Abdullah got on his feet toward the hanger where his suit was hanged.

"We should get going"



Hands placed over her chin, Aunty bilki couldn't believe her eyes. Was talatu really saying the truth or was this some remorses Abdullah should have told her this first but she was going to confirm this from hajiya zainab herself she knew the woman will know what ever talatu was talking about.

"Ai zama bai gani ba"
(Sitting won't suit me at this moment I have to hear the whole of this)

Aunty bilkisu said adjusting the hem of her wrapper to the other end.

"Am telling you this is nothing but the truth, and I won't advise you to go to your sister in-law zainab at this time because she is against the marriage in the first place just call Abdullah and find out from him"

Bilkisu sat back reluctantly with slumped shoulders how could Hermana do this to her when her plans has already been plotted.

"Thank you talatu, I'll do as you say"

Bilkisu thanked her friend still not over with the news of her niece been divorced by Abdullah and also pregnant, this is the right time for her to set her plans into action but where could the stupid child be because she was still inside this town, she has no where to go to.

Bilkisu couldn't sleep the whole night she kept tossing from one side of the bed to another, did Abdullah divorced Hermana three times was what she has to find out first before finding her stupid niece.

If there is marriage still between them then there was nothing left but she would be forced to use the child Hermana was carrying for Abdullah to bring them back.



"Your phone has been ringing for ages now Abdullah"

Laylah said pulling her husband out of his train of thought and he had to dress up for the day and set to work so she could also go out.

Looking over her collar bone where Abdullah left a deep purple mark with his teeth, he was nothing but a monster but looks so lean and innocent while he is nothing of such.

Laylah hissed under her breath as he placed the phone on his ears waking out of the room.


Haaa Aunty bilki want Hermana and Abdullah back o

Who want that to.

Can they be back.

Who is jamal

Metoo I don't know all this question


Ongoing edition
All right reserved
Aleeyu Zaynab

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