💋Mess💋 Edited

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Abdullah paced up and down his room he was restless but still couldn't stop the pain he was feeling he has unanswered questions up his throat he still couldn't stop the question.

A knock came on his door but he didn't say a thing instead proceeded into the toilet letting the cold water drench his clothes he felt still he knew he was definitely going to fall sick after this but the hell he doesn't care.

Laylah was sited at top his bed by the time he walked out of the loo with towel wrapped under his lower waist, he knew what he did was totally un called for he just hope Hermana wasn't out of the house but who was he kidding he knew she was still in her room after all she doesn't have no where to turn to.

Walking into the loo to get something to cover up his nudity so he could check up on Hermana.

"Abdullah didn't you see me"

Laylah asked getting on her feet only to stand in front of Abdullah so she could prevent him from going out of the room he dare not give her attitude not now not forever she resisted herself from rolling her eyes.

"Laylah you better stay out of my way"

Abdullah said through gritted teeth, he so badly wanted flinging her out of his way so she could slam her head on the wall.

"I ain't stepping out off your way Abdullah"

Laylah yelled tailing behind him as he was already out of the room. How she doesn't know when he walked pass her out of the room.

He stoped by the door leading to Hermana room which to both there surprise was open, clothes with trolley out laying on the bed some clothes littering around the room.

Abdullah face palmed himself he knew he has messed up laylah on the other hand was shocked and speechless she doesn't know all what happened while she was away to her lost friend house Amina who was surprised and happy at the same time after finding out laylah has finally gotten married that too to Abdullah.


"Well sorry to bust your bubble Mrs I just got married to revenge what Abdullah did to me"

Laylah states taking sip from the lemon juice Amina served her. Amina wasn't surprise at her friends statement she doesn't know at all what Layla needed in this life she always have everything at her beck.

Having a rich father everything she wants was given to her within a blink of eyes then what else Amina thought.

"Dear what will you gain by ruin the poor guys life?"

Amina been herself asked Layla to be sure she wasn't just paying heads to her friends advice, what Amina understood with laylah was her life was messed up because she lacked good friends all her friends don't love her to give her some good advice.

"Poor guy you say"

Layla raised a mocking brows at her friend Amina was always the good one, having to always where her goody shoes all the time, Layla even wondered if she has a heart sometimes.

"Abdullah separated me with the love of my life and he thinks he will live a perfect life not when am alive"

Layla spatted with furry blurring hr vision, Amin purse her lips forward wrapping her arms to hug her self all her friend needed was some prayers because she was far gone.


Abdullah was far gone into the room, laylah was standing by the door with mouth agapes what those Hermana clothes littering around meant that she left or what?

Laylah tired hard to crack her brains why the hell the room will be the way it is now and Hermana she was no where to be found.

She wrapped her hands around her mouth in shock the poor girl where could she has gone now, from the little information she got was her mother was died her father was nothing but an excuse to manhood then what would have happened.

Ahhh she exclaimed, from the look of it Abdullah was behind all this,

"What happened Abdullah"
She was told shocked to form a statement but she did never the less why will Abdullah do such thing, yes she knew he doesn't love her but are men this cruel.

"I send her packing out after knowing she doesn't have no where to turn to Allah will never forgive me, I will never forgive myself too"

Abdullah mumbled to himself, laylah pitied him she knew she was supposed to be happy after all ruining him was what she wanted doing after all then why is this now why the sudden emotions she was feeling.

Yes she knew she pitied no one but Hermana who is so naive a young pregnant also then having no where go go at, someone can take disadvantage of her and use her.

Abdullah has just ruined her plans why

"May Allah protect her where every she is but just know you messed up Abdullah and you will dearly pay for it"

Laylah sworn more like promised herself she didn't want to sound like a feminist but she was one after all and Abdullah will pay one after the other for this.

She was pacing up and down her room with her phone in her hands she didn't know what to do who should she call among her friends.


Laylah thought even resulted to dialing her number but stoped her self, Aisha was going to laugh at her and say she doesn't have any more work to do she will say Abdullah had made things easier,
Laylah let a hufff sound out of her mouth before resolving on not calling any of her friends she can do it alone it's her life after all which is such a mess


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Aleeyu zaynab

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