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Eid Mubarak to you all

"I don't think this your plan will work"

Aisha my friends said out her thoughts loud she was never one to keep it inside her.

"Don't you think he loves her to never send her packing"

She further inclined like the mother she was, Aisha was married with three beautiful children her husband although have three wife's making her the last you did think she was his only wife because she had him wrapped around her pinky finger.

"I don't want to drag her into this"

I folded my arms around my breast as I look deep into her eyes, this was never regarding her to begin with why drag the poor child into it I thought to myself smiling internally I was enjoying everything.

"It doesn't matter laylah as far as you are planing revenge then you don't have to be kind to any one"

She tried using the soft tone on me just so she could make me understand.

I got it clearly what she meant but I can't drag Hermana into this I was trying my possible best to keep her out of this with the kindoff game I am pulling I have to do that.

I signed taking a sit next to her as a unfolded my arms.

"The charm seemed to be working well"

I tried taking the attention off Hermana which Aisha saw right through it.

"What are you planing to do with her"

"She i don't know yet but I'll take her out of all this"


"Aisha you have to understand this not about her Abdullah was the cause of all this the girl have zero idea of our past she barely knew him wen she got married to him and now she's carrying his child which am sure, she will get rid of sooner or later"

I was breathless with unshaded tears sticker between my eyes as Aisha drew her hands around my body consoling.

We stayed in the position for a little longer before she pulled away I wanted it. I missed been lonely and Abdullah is the cause of all this and he will pay dearly I swore as I flipped the tears stuffed between my inner tear dot not letting it drop out.

The two sat in comfortable silence before taking off in a little chitchat mostly about life,fashion and food.

Laylah returned home feeling down but her friend advised her to pace up her plan so that it just won't blow up on her.

On her way home she had this thought run over her mind on why not just let Abdullah be so her life will be normal, but she was quick to discharge those thought at the back of her mind just so it won't discourage her just as she came this fast.

The living room back home was dark upon her arrival she wondered where Hermana must be but guessing she must be up in her room made laylah take the turn to her room so she could freshen up and get something for her grumbling stomach, she was going to give her self a week to wrap all her planes up and be done with this place but before going she will make sure her goal was achieved which was killing two birds with one stone.

Smiling at herself as she piled her dried skin, whistling into a plan coffee gown.

Surprise to see the light on this time around as she step on the last stairs she made her way to the cooking house where she saw Hermana busy with her back facing the door.

"I bet you where not around a while ago?"

Laylah asked as she made her way into the kitchen to the fridge where she pulled a bottle of water, she pulled a stool and sat close the Hermana who was standing with her hands over her chest which was beating really fast indeed Laylah frightened her.

"Am sorry if I frightened you"

Hermana resisted the urge to roll her eyes and instead nodded her head but resumed back to mixing the dough for her pizza she didn't actually knew what was wrong with her but she shrugged it off for the pregnant hormones.

Yes she was still pregnant and hasn't yet do away with it but she was going to do it without even bathing her lashes twice she has already set up her mind for that.

Her appointment with the doctor was tomorrow which she won't miss she thank the gods in heaven after seeing Abdullah only saw the result of her been pregnant and not those she thought he did.

She discharged the pregnancy test paper as soon as he left the room she wondered why he was giving her a double face after all her doing away with the pregnancy was what he wanted.

"What are you preparing"

Laylah voice yet again bought her out of her thought, "trying a new recipe for pizza for myself"

Hermana said out she made out her mind to never cook for Abdallah nor his wife ever again she wasn't just going to keep serving as there maids for she wasn't one and he shouldn't better get one for them.

Seeing Hermana wasn't in the mood for chatting laylah left the kitchen feeling ditched.


Hermana was quick as she got dressed making sure everything she will be needing was inside the bag she picked her bag and left the room.

The driver was already set as he drove her to the hospital.

Abdullah woke up to a grumbling stomach coming down to the dining area only to be welcome with an empty table he checked the kitchen and it was same, he went backup the stairs to Hermana room to check and asked why breakfast was not ready only to be meat with an empty room with a paper placed on the bed which cut his curiosity.

It was a hospital receipt for a successful payment for abortion

Eid Mubarak to you all


Always feel not moved I get zero comment and few vote which is actually not motivating thinking of putting this book a hold if I don't see chance please the four people voting should comment tell me what you think about this book.

Ongoing edition
All right reserved
Aleeyu Zaynab

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