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Uncapping the bottle of water Hermana picked from the fridge, she moved to the near by sofa collapsing bringing the bottle up to her lips taking large gulps from it.

"I can see school is really hectic"

Nene said in a sing sang voice settling on the sofa facing Hermana as she unpin her veil which was rolled in a hijab. Hermana did as thought she didn't hear her instead threw her head back on the sofa to rest.

True to Nene's words school is really hectic and she was doing anything in her absolutely power to ache it up.

Closing her eyes for brief seconds Hermana almost jump off her feet recalling her unfinished assignment which submission date was due.

Nene resisted the urge to burst into fit of laughter seeing her friends and sister reaction she actually need no one to tell her what was going on in Hermana mind, yes she reads minds absolutely so well and she enjoys that to her merriments.

Call her wicked all you want but that did be on the list of her to care list, she opt for giggling instead of the full blown laughter she swallowed down her throat.

"Seriously nene..."

Herman words stacked in her throat hearing the door bell ring resonating around the house, the sound was too loud and so disturbing to her sanity.

Looking at nene to see if she made some move to get the door but the girl only shrugged her shoulders, with a brows down in straight lines Herman made a beeline towards to door to see who it was.

The sound Hermana made was what send her flying on her feet's towards the door not even caring about her uncovered hair, the girl could be in danger for all she cared but she was under her care she couldn't risk something happening to her.

Placing her palms to feel her temperature over her forehead nene felt the need to maybe knock the girl head on her head maybe she wouldn't have scared her the way she did.

Her lips stretched in what seemed to be a smile her arms went flying to her aunty body they did surprised them.

Making way into the door Hermana laughted seeing as the glare nene was sending her way, yes as least she annoyed her too not that she did it intentionally she was too surprise to even think of the sound she made.


The pen between her thump and pointing fingered with a wild smile marrying her face, Hermana felt like it was a dream and just like a dream all her dreams are coming thought.

Going thought what she was written for the millionth time with the edge of the pen placed over her lips, contented with how she answer the question she submitted muttering some Du'a.

Even thought her dreams where coming true, school was not as easy as she thought and so hard she had little to no time for herself not that she cared.

The only good she could do to herself is not having time to herself but for her dreams and her dream what actuall what made her.

With determine steps chin held high up Hermana made her way out of the hall, getting into the car welcomed by Nene's big smile.

Jamal has made everything easy for them, he got car for then of which nene drive then down to school with, it was just a twenty minutes drive from there apartment down to the school.

"So how does it feel to be done with your first examination"
Nene asked closing her eyes for brief seconds recalling how hers went unlike Hermana who was sited across her with head rested on the car board, she was crying seeing as a girl was cut with some examination malpractice she didn't how but the girl seemed so calmed about it that made her not concentrate through out the examination which made her cry after it she didn't perform as she was supposed to.

Nene recalled years ago how jamal stood by her telling her everything will be okay but she didn't believe him, unlike her Hermana seemed calmed and composed maybe it was because she was older nene thought shrugging.

"What do you think will happened if we graduate"

Nene asked the one thing running on her mind they had few years left with her done with two already, Hermana blinked her eyes open watching nene with wild eyes as thought she grew some horns.

Maybe she actually did but the horns were yet to appear.
"Common stop throwing me that look"
Nene stated seeing the look Hermana was throwing her way as thought she grew horns.

Remaining back to her composed state Hermana signed letting the breath out of her mouth, blinking her eyes closed to think of what nene just said, the girl was actually right they actually have to talk about there future sooner or later the one thing she hated the most.

She doesn't care if she keeps leaving in the past but she knew she was doing better her past was dictating her life which was another thing she hated but again she can never care about the future.

A lot of people keep saying you should never care about your past
"Forget your past and focus on the future"
Whoever stated that's was too absurd, how could a person forget his past, how can a person even do, your past is actually who you are and what you have knowledge of the future is just blank you know nothing about it but with the help of the mistakes and things you hold from your past will actually help you uncover the future but here they are at home.

"I actually think of having this very big chamber, i will heir a lot of lawyers just so we could fight for the less privileged"

Nene voice bought Hermana out of her pulls of thought, they where in the plane flying back to Asmara.

Hermana has been watching over the clouds thinking about her past she never believed or think she will ever live in an entire different country that too with people she never knew that was what the future was all about, with wild smile on her face.

"Then I'll help too"

Her voice sounded determined


So so

Are we all okay with the notion about forget about your past,
Or to think about your future

Or are you really just trying to survive each day hoping for the sun to set

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Calm before the storm

Ongoing edition
All right reserved
Aleeyu zaynab

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