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Laylah has set up her plans so well, Abdullah hasn't been himself. He kept blaming himself for whatever situation Hermana found herself, knowing how the country was with no security.

He resumed work together with laylah. After months of searching for Hermana but she wasn't found, not that he gave up but after having a word with hajiya zainab Abdullah moves to Abuja together with laylah where he got himself busy with his work, he get to office even before she wakes up and came back late.

Although laylah promising herself to not let him have his way, he was supposed to stop what he was doing, he caused all that upon himself. she knew Herman was fine because her search wherenot in Vein.

Her plans on ruining Abdullah has changed from the initial plan she spent years plotting to something different, she has seemed to found his new weakness and she will stop at nothing from ruining him bit after bit.

Looking at the wall clock laylah signed right on time the door bell rang, wearing her flip flop on she walked to the door as fast as she could to get the delivery.

Dominos pizza with go slow ice cream, peanut butter flavor for herself and chocolate for Abdullah. she set everything on the table before walking back to her room upstairs where the ringing of her phone ended.

She signed walking as fast as she could to the console where her phone was placed, the sound of the phone came again this time she successfully hit the green button before placing it on her ears.

"Seriously I thought we talk about this countless time Aisha you better watch your ways it high time"

Laylah voice resonated around the room as she continued getting herself ready for her bath, what she doesn't understand with Aisha was the girl was something else.

Putting the phone down on the bed her thought wondered to Aisha, why was she a mess, was her life also as messed up as her friend's.

she was quick to shocked her head, she couldn't do what Aisha was doing she doesn't have the mind too, walking to the loo to take her bath.

Walking out of the closet wrapped in a blue comfy bathing robe was Abdullah, he was sure he had the sound of the door if he wasn't mistaking.

Laylah was dressed in what seemed to be nothing, his stare on her body was long before he looked away his adam apple bubbling up and down.

"This just the beginning Abdullah"

Laylah thought to herself,

"Ahh you should fix your rob or should I help you"

Seeing as his robe wasn't fixed, one wrong move then she did get a clear look at his manhood which she wanted to but then no she just won't show how she so much missed been layed.

She was torturing him but at the same time doing same to herself, but her case was different she only needed it to feel real and not those plastic things.

Abdallah was quick to do the robe making her chuckle.

"Well don't mind me, dinner is ready I'll be waiting for you down"

Licking on her bottom lips, she knew just the right thing to do at the right time before waking out of the room like a queen cat with extra swag on her hip in full force, walking to her room this just the beginning.

Abdullah on the other hand watched as she walked out of the room, he stood rooted on his spot until he felt his knee becoming jelly, his waist hurt.

Walking down the stairs Abdullah signed walking toward the dining area. Another thing he miss about her was the way she cook, at such a young age she made cooking her favorite thing.

He sometimes wonder how she cope not getting tired after returning from school getting so stressed and exhausted yet she never fail to cook now he was left with nothing but torture.

"Ahhh you came so quick I was even thinking of eating in your room"

Laylah voice already getting on her feet to start dashing out the pizza slice after slice, she wasn't expecting any reply from Abdullah yet she sat back down with a slump shoulders.

"You know if you don't want me here, Abdullah I'll understand. You shouldn't know that it wasn't intentional everything that happened back then I was so naive but trust me I love you now"

Stoping the slide of pizza he took from the plate mid way, Abdullah placed the slide back from where he picked it from which was a bowl like ceramic plate, Hermana love eating tuwo from it.

He signed watching her expressions, how she whipped the tears from her eyes picking her own plate of pizza heading up the stairs.

He felt bad he wasn't one to treat others bad, but he knew himself he wasn't treating laylah right, she was his wife he shouldn't have accepted to marry her in the first place if he knew he wasn't going to carry out his responsibilities as a husband well.

This was laylah they are taking about the girl he would lay his life for, does he still loved her? He doesn't know.

Abdullah set his mind to make everything fine between them maybe this was a chance given to him yet again, after all he failed the first chance.

He won't dare doing that, pushing the door to her room he founded her sited on an Othman placed in the middle of the room with tears strolling down her cheeks as she eat from the plate of her pizza.

Should next chapter be on Hermana, or Abdullah with laylah

If you don't comment, seriously don't expect an updated anytime soon

First Friday of the year 1443
May Allah let us withness another year in good health Ameen
Jummat Mubarak

Ongoing edition
All right reserved
Aleeyu Zaynab

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